2017-05-11 16:52:11
(This post was last modified: 2022-11-09 21:54:13 by Lady Spyra.)
Surviving Surreal
A Newcomer's Guide to Crazy Town!

So you've joined Surreal? Welcome! We're so glad you've joined us! This practical guide will help you learn everything you need to know about Surreal.
- Exploring Your New World
- Activity Points
- Ranking Up
- Clan Celebrations
- Contributing to the Clan
Exploring Your New World
This simple guide will help you find your way around Surreal's forums.
First, we hope that you'll introduce yourself. Tell us about your likes and dislikes, your hobbies, your weird cat, or your extra leg! We like to know our new clan members and even our old ones! You can post an introduction here.
Click here to find our list of rules, clan expectations, and rank structure. You'll also find a link to our discord server.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or complaints, please don't hesitate to reach out to the staff. We are a family here, and we will happily help you however we can.




Basic Information:
Activity points form the basis for our ranking system here in Surreal. We're more of a casual community these days, but we still offer a few recurring weekly events, as well as other occasional activities! Also as a side note, if you enjoy hosting your own events, you'll definitely want to check out the 'Contributing to the Clan' section! We want everyone here to enjoy their time in Surreal

Here's an explanation of the different things you can do in Surreal that award activity points:
Events are planned with a predefined duration that they last for in order to receive points for it, as seen below:
Event Duration | Activity Points |
Under 30 minutes | 20 points |
30 minutes (most events will be this) | 40 points |
1 hour (PVM or dungeoneering events will be this) | 80 points |
If there's a full clan chat attendance, points get doubled!
You can find the current events in your HUB (top right) or in the event forum.
What is this?Every month, for one week, we run a skilling competition (SWC for short). It starts on the second Monday of the month and runs till the following Monday (Sunday night for American timezones). Skills are dispersed into 4 skill groups and any skill within that predetermined skill group could be the skill of the week (excluding archaeology, invention, and summoning). To see the skill groups, click here. The skill is chosen randomly by the Magic Hat of Doom, and gets announced on Saturdays. |
How do I sign up?No signing up is necessary; all Surreal members are automatically enrolled into each SWC. Our own tracker records all of the XP you gain during the week and shows where you stand against other competitors. Please note that changing your RuneScape username during a SWC will result in your gains ceasing to be tracked, so be careful not to do this. |
What do I get from this?The member in first place by the end of a SWC is crowned the SWC Champion for that month; they receive a SWC Champion forum title as well as the 'Champion' role on our discord. Additionally, if you enjoy challenging yourself, feel free to try to beat the SWC Records during the relevant SWC skill. Activity points are up for grabs as well, in various ways! To find out how, and to read up on SWC in general, please click here. |
Those who have public RuneMetrics profiles will be awarded 30 points for their Resource Cap Rewards. We have a system checking every hour for Resource Caps, and if you're eligible, you don't have to do anything! Your points should show up in the HUB shortly after the entry is found in RuneMetrics.
Please do note that you do not need to pay for RuneMetrics to have a public profile. Go to Account at the top right of RuneScape.com, and once you log in, you'll find your privacy settings at the bottom for RuneMetrics. This feature will not work without a public profile. If you don't want to put it on public, you will need to post the screenshot of your resource cap here every time you cap.
![[Image: public_rmapi.png]](https://images.clansurreal.com/public_rmapi.png)
When Jagex plans a Double XP Live!, we set up a tracker for it just for fun to track overall XP gains for each member and also as a clan. There is a designated Double XP Live! thread that gets posted when it's close to DXP, and at the end of a DXP we update our highscores as a clan. We also award activity points for each member depending on the XP tier you land in at the end, as follows:
XP Gain | Activity Points |
1m+ XP | 40 points |
10m+ XP | 50 points |
20m+ XP | 60 points |
40m+ XP | 70 points |
80m+ XP | 80 points |
You will receive 20 points for making 10 posts on the forum. This is unstackable; this means that you will need to be awarded points for your current 10 posts first in order for your next 10 posts to count towards another 20 points all over again. Post checks are run every 6 hours.
You can check the upper left side of your HUB for the progress bar:
![[Image: 63af26f799879ed9f7da3f6855b8de29.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/63af26f799879ed9f7da3f6855b8de29.png)
Your HUB displays how many activity points you've gotten and how close you are to your next rank.
Thanks to a dedicated staff team and our clever forum software, you don't need to worry about your rank at all! Our automated system checks activity points once every 30 minutes; if you've reached the next rank, your forum rank will be updated. All staff members receive a message as well, so the next time a staff member is on, we'll update your clan chat rank to reflect your new status.
If you ever think there might be a problem with your activity points, please let a member of staff know--@

Have you reached a cool accomplishment--200m xp, 99 or a skill pet, or anything else that you're proud of? You can share it in the #achievements channel on our discord, or alternatively, you can post your accomplishment in our Surrealians In the News thread.
You don't have to be Staff to be an active contributor to the clan. When you reach 400+ activity points, you earn the privilege to host your own events! This is never expected of anyone, it's just an available option for anyone that wants to. If you're curious to know more, here is some info:
Once you reach 400+ activity points, each time you want to host an event, you have to fill out the Surreal Event Form. You can find the link in the 'Where do I submit my event?' section.
After you fill out the info for your event and click 'Submit My Event' your event automatically appears in the Pending Events forum, where it will be looked over by staff within 24 hours of it being submitted, and you can edit your event post within this time if you need to. If there are any questions or issues, you will contacted on discord, in game, or on the forums. Events that have been approved will move to the Approved Events forum, and the event will be set up with the information you have submitted.
When it comes time for your event, make a note of everyone who is there (including those who show up a bit late, up to around half of the duration of the event), and pass it on to staff at the end of your event. More info can be found in the 'Where do I send attendance for my event?' section.
These are the current known reasons, to give you an idea:
- Two events are scheduled for the same day and same time. If this happens, the first event would take priority. The second event wouldn't necessarily be turned down, it'd just need to be rescheduled if the event host wishes to reschedule it. All they would have to do is leave a reply on their event thread with the revised date and/or time.
- The event may not pull adequate attendance for it. For example, I would not consider Surreal to be a heavy PvM clan by any means, so events such as Nex, Corporeal Beast, etc... would likely not be approved. Easier bosses such as KBD, Giant Mole, all in GWD1, and such... might be approved.
A link to the event form will be below. It should be fairly straightforward, but there is a lot of info on it, so please let @

There's a couple things to mention about the event form:
- The world: This is auto-filled in as 46 (our homeworld), so unless your event isn't on 46, you can skip over this. Yay for convenience!
- The event banner: This is the only non-mandatory field on the event form. The reason for this is not everyone knows how to get images to specific dimensions, and if you're one of those people, please don't let that field stress you out - just skip over it and we'll substitute an event banner for you after you submit your event
The event form can be found in one of three spots:
- There's a link on the main forum page, named 'Host An Event!' (below the 'Events' forum)
- You can click 'Post Thread' in the Pending Events forum
- Or you can just click the button below!
A popular option is on discord in our #events channel, use the @Staff tag to notify us. If you don't have discord, you can post attendance on your official event thread in the Events forum. It will be taken care of by staff as soon as possible.
NOTE: Make sure to include if it was a full CC attendance (guests, lobbyists, and alts don't have any impact on this). Standard 30 minute events will have points doubled. However, 60 minute events won't (this is just because we can't do 3 digits).