2017-07-13 06:27:27
Runescape Name: two moons
Real-life name/nickname: Gordon/Gordy
Age: 17
Country: United States, East Coast
Describe yourself in one word: Analytical
What made you start playing runescape: My older brother introduced it to me when I was around 8 or 9. (then stopped playing after I got addicted, RIP)
Favorite Movie: Hot Fuzz
Occupation: Student
Other language(s): French (un peu)
Hobbies/talents: I play guitar, I play a lot of League of Legends in addition to RS. I also act/sing in musicals sometimes
Real-life name/nickname: Gordon/Gordy
Age: 17
Country: United States, East Coast
Describe yourself in one word: Analytical
What made you start playing runescape: My older brother introduced it to me when I was around 8 or 9. (then stopped playing after I got addicted, RIP)
Favorite Movie: Hot Fuzz
Occupation: Student
Other language(s): French (un peu)
Hobbies/talents: I play guitar, I play a lot of League of Legends in addition to RS. I also act/sing in musicals sometimes