Surreal Revealed Returns! May 2020

Surreal Revealed
The Real Surreal | May 2020

Words from the Editor

Like a Phoenix, we rise...and here I am to say that we're reviving Surreal Revealed from the ashes! 

To those of you who are new (or just don't remember--the last edition came out in summer of 2019...yikes), let me fill you in! Once a month (or so...provided a certain *cough* editor keeps her life together), we release this monthly newsletter. This is your one-stop shop for all the cool things that happen in Surreal each month.

That's right: your SWC champs, your new clanmates, can't-miss updates, useless trivia, Jeli's dorky, sarcastic sense of's all here. 

 New Members

We'd like to give a warm welcome back to our 6 new members who joined in the first third of 2020!

@Mrs Moo
@Onyx Titan
@Lady Fae

Also, a hearty welcome back to @Aarchaeon

Normally, this section will only cover new (and returning) members for the previous month. But since this is a special edition, we'll cover several months this time.  Tongue

Can't keep track of who's in the clan? Check out a complete list of our members here.

 Skill Week Championship

We're already two rounds into our second SWC of the year--can you believe it?!? And with Round 3 already underway, this tournament is already shaping up to be bursting at the seams with competitive fire and XP gains. In Round 1, you braved the depths of Daemonheim (the depths didn't stand a chance!). Round 2 brought us back to the surface, hatchets in hand, to tackle Evil Trees, Crystal Trees, Choking Ivy, and so much more. The only thing tougher than the tree trunks was the competition. Here's how the rankings stand today:

Place Username Total points
1st @Teh_Corey 190
2nd @Dazie 170
3rd @Kagura247 150
4th @Loric 100
5th @Downfall 70

Yes, you read that right. @Downfall is on the leaderboard. And if you don't like the current standings, there's plenty of time to change that! The current round, Mining, is calling your name. Rise to the challenge and shake up that leaderboard!

 Closing Remarks & Behind the Scenes

What else do you want to see us include in the newsletter? In past newsletter, we've played newsletter games (Two Truths and a Lie, Guess That Clan Member from Their Baby Pic, etc), done staff member spotlights, and more. What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments! 

As always, thank you for being a Surreal member. We love having you in our family--because you're what makes us great!

Yayy I'm finally on the Surreal Revealed newsletter Biggrin Hehe, I think guess that clan member from their baby picture would be a lot of fun :p
[Image: new-game-gif.gif]
Ahhh wicked. Glad to see this back.
All your skilling pets belong to me!
This is a staple of Surreal. Glad it's back.
My initial reaction to the SWC section was "What the hell?! Downfall is on there?" And I very much appreciated how you highlighted that in blurb, haha!!!
I'm glad I'm back (I should be on that list but I didn't make an application Tongue) and that this newsletter has also returned!
Great to see the newsletter and also yourself back! I hope you can bring one every month Biggrin
This is super awesome, the creativity in this clan is impressive, can't wait to see what the next newsletters hold!

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