A Dirty Introduction

Runescape Name: Dirty Ranarr
Real-life name/nickname: Patrick
Age: Old, very old
Country: Australia
Describe yourself in one word: Ummmm

What made you start playing runescape: I have been playing Runescape since 2001. Of course there were some break in between but one does not simple quiet. About 2015 I was reacquainted  with Old School RS and I have been playing since then. Only recently have I rediscovered the magical world of RS3. Over the past few days I have really gotten into the lore of Runescape through the voice acted quests and have grown attached to learning more about the history and everything else. 
Favorite Movie:Too many to name
Music taste: anything
Other games: Rimworld is a past time favorite, but anything thats like an RTS or has some sort of base building is always fun
Occupation: Aquarist and student
Awesome, welcome again Patrick! Hope you enjoy your time on RS3 it has a real charm about it!
Hey Patrick, welcome to Surreal smile

I used to love me some RTS games back in the day, personal favourites are Age of Mythology and CivCity Rome, but I've tried finding an RTS in recent years and they're just not the same
@iWader on Twitter.
Had to google RTS. I played Starcraft and Age of Empires when I was younger (poorly mind you). Nice to meet you Patrick!
Welcome Patrick, it's lovely to meet you smile.
[Image: user1-light.png]
Welcome to Surreal, Patrick! smile It's awesome to know more about you, and I'm really glad you decided to join the family Biggrin I'm old, very old too Tongue I turn 37 this year, it's crazy to think about! (I actually had to use a calculator to get my age, that's how much in shock/disbelief I am XD). Aquarist sounds like such an interesting profession!

If you ever have any questions, concerns, etc about Surreal, feel free to reach out to the staff team at any time! Biggrin I hope you enjoy it here and I hope you are with us for many years to come Give_heart
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
Welcome! It's good to have a fellow old timer around!
And that is an awesome name...
Welcome back Patrick! Nice to meet you! I have to say I am very interested to know what an aquarist does, can't wait to pick your brain about it in chat.

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