I’ve been testing a unique (I think) way to train slayer

I’ve been hopping through the worlds killing wilderness-spawning Demon Flash Mob Bosses for a greater demon wilderness slayer task.

By my calculations, it’s on par with (maybe better than) an abyssal demon task in the wilderness. It takes me just under 5 minutes to kill one for 22,720 base xp. An 100 kill abyssal demon task is 27,800 base xp but takes me a few minutes longer to complete. With: a demonic skull, special slayer contract, clan avatar, torstol incense, wilderness slayer xp enhancer, the current 50% slayer xp event boost and bonus experience; I get around 110,000 xp per kill. I have about 70 kills left for my current task.

In a group, I think it would be easy to kill it in under a minute. I wear full tank gear, which obviously slows down kills a bit. The bosses don’t spawn in pking hotspots, but you can never be too careful. The bosses can hit hard as well, so tank gear+animate dead definitely helps save food.
This is an interesting find for sure!  I used to do Demon Flash Mobs when they were first released, but never did them in the Wilderness.  Is the Slayer XP better in the Wilderness, similar to Erskine’s contracts?
The demonic skull boosts the rates; very interesting method Alex! I avoid the Wilderness like the plague though! XD
Yes, exactly, Durah. The demonic skull boosts slayer xp in the wilderness by 50% and stacks with the 20% from Erskine’s contracts. I bet demon flash mobs was a cool release. I can imagine groups of people killing them together was fun.

Haha, yeah that's fair, Brin. I have been doing quite a lot of wilderness slayer on and off for a while now. To be fair, I skip most of the tasks because they're not worth doing. Lava strykewyrm tasks aren't the most relaxing experience, shall we say, when you have a bounty emblem you don't want to lose. The biggest drawback of wilderness slayer is that you can't afk. I think something that happens a lot is that people get told on reddit that the wilderness is dead, and then they go in wearing too much risk and get skull tricked for their noxious scythe.
Update: Finished the slayer task. I got lucky and got two title scroll drops. I am now Executioner Fake Brews, slayer of green dragons and hobgoblins.
Awesome gratz!
I switched to Greater Demon Berserkers and Ash Lords after the wilderness was removed because I think it was slightly faster xp. It was a good task to use scrimshaws of sacrifice on because they didn't have any drops anyway.

I did almost all of my 99-120 slayer in the wilderness because I found the added danger fun. The only task where I always had to escape at least one pker per task was Lava Strykewyrms. I used to wear death lotus and a strykebow switch for tanking. I never died with that setup, even when I had to tank to the wall. I remember a pker once complained I was wearing tank gloves.

I got 99 agility at the wilderness agility course as well. I used to wear royal dhide and take the nox bow to anti-pk. It was a bit hairier because it was such deep wilderness. Fun though. It can't understand why people complained about getting attacked by other players in a pvp zone.

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