Comp Cape Requirements Help

To start, before I stopped playing RuneScape again back in 2014/2015ish, I had achieved everything I needed to do in order to earn the Completionist Cape.  That was an exciting day for me!  Now that I’ve returned again, it has been my goal to reobtain my Completionist Cape.  

So my question for everyone is, which of these remaining requirements is going to take me the longest?  I’m not worried about skill mastery, as that will come eventually, along with the quests and miniquests.  I’m mainly wondering which of the random additional unlocks will take the longest so that maybe I can start chipping away at a few of them in between skilling and questing.  I don’t want to get to near the end and still have to spend weeks or months working on the final portion to get the cape.  Thanks for taking the time to look at this for me!

[Image: BzoD3a.jpg]
Our lovely Brin put together a guide that could be helpful to you Biggrin it was last updated two years ago though, but here it is! Biggrin
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
The good news; you've completed ports which is by far the longest time requirement achievement.

In terms of what you have left; make sure to do penguins weekly until you finish with the unlocks from those; crocodile hunter can be a bit boring and take a bit but not exactly a huge time investment. Unlocking and Upgrading Waiko you can afk on the arc uncharted islands for resources there (also can buy taijitu currency from travelling merchant to help out with that). You'll also need around 75k Beans from Player Owned Farm and the Dinosaur Farm for Bean There Done That achievements.

Other than that most should be fairly quick and achieved along with 120 skills. I wish you luck!
Thanks for the help!  It’s a good feeling to know that none of the individual requirements will take that long on their own!  Hopefully I can buckle down and get them done fairly quickly along with the rest of the quests and skill mastery!
How's it going Durah?
Ports out the way is a big step ahead.

Daily/weekly time locks you have are PoF and penguins to keep up with those. Penguins take 4 weeks if you spot them all.

In terms of bigger grinds you've got

Unlocking Waiko.
Arc content took me a good few weeks to get done. It's mostly afk content though, so it's got that going at least.

It might be a good idea to claim an isle with 3 rare resources and deplete them daily.

You can also get a nice chunk of charms and taijitu from doing the arc quest series

My Last Resort
2,000 boss kills. Just camp it out at gwd1 and it should go by in no time

Other than that I think most things are a few hours each. Looks like you'll get there in no time Biggrin
@iWader on Twitter.
I applaud anyone that has the motivation to do everything for this accomplishment!
Thanks for the additional tips and checking in!  It’s all progressing nicely right now, just finished up both Waiko achievements last night. 

Been knocking out some of the miniquests as well, along with some of the shorter achievements.

Crushing it! Great work so far on knocking those out Biggrin
[Image: pmRHyWO.png]
[Image: user1-dark.png][Image: user1-dark.png]
Feel free to contact me any time about anything Biggrin <3 
I have a ton of respect for all that work through all these requirements.

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