2023-09-06 17:41:27
SWC Skill Selection Change
For 2023 and beyond

We're changing up SWC skill selection a bit!
We have noticed that it feels like the same skills get chosen by the Hat of Doom, and this was brought up in the #swc channel on our discord server. @

Skill selection will work like this:
- Once a skill has been done in a skill group, that skill gets excluded from the Hat of Doom for the next two skill group rotations (just like how the Voice of Seren works, as Loric said).
- Since there are 3 skill group rotations (January-April; May-August; September-December), this means that a skill will reappear as a possibility for the same group rotation time period the following year.
- There will be 4 skills in each group (5 in Artisan) available constantly for the Hat of Doom to select from.
When will this happen?
This will be implemented immediately so we can all see how it goes in 2024 and beyond! You can see it in action by viewing the table below (this is what it looks like at the end of the August 2023 SWC):
Combat | Gatherer | Artisan | Support |
Attack | Divination | Cooking | Agility |
Constitution | Farming | Crafting 0/2 Group Rotations |
Construction |
Defence 0/2 Group Rotations |
Fishing 0/2 Group Rotations |
Firemaking | Dungeoneering 1/2 Group Rotations |
Magic | Hunter | Fletching | Prayer 0/2 Group Rotations |
Ranged | Mining 1/2 Group Rotations |
Herblore | Slayer |
Strength 1/2 Group Rotations |
Woodcutting | Runecrafting | Thieving |
Smithing 1/2 Group Rotations |
The SWC Skills List and Skill Week Championship Guide have also been updated accordingly.
Have questions? Just want to express your thoughts?
Feel free to let us know on this thread (or on our discord server)! We hope you enjoy this added adjustment