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Well I'm Crow.

I've generally been a skiller all my runescape 'life' I went through a phase of PvM but I'm back to my roots now. I've been playing since May 2006 and my first 99 was woodcutting a year later. I've recently come out of a clan leadership due to issues with the other leader, I've had a fair two years of clan experience in a range of clans. Warring, events, themed (Pirate clan ftw!) and skilling. I hope in Surreal I can complete my goal of maxing out my skill and meet lots of new lovely people. I like doing clan work, so if you need any jobs doing. I'm all up for it. Biggrin

A little bit about myself personally. First of all I live in the country of England and yes I drink tea. I have a mug that has 'Tea' on it but I'm not a fan of the crumpets. I'm a huge fan of music, I'm mainly a metal guy but I'm also into some post-rock, punk and alt-country. Murder by Death, A Day To Remember, Alexisonfire are some of my favourite bands but I'm open to new genres if any of you want to introduce me to any. I'm a tech kind of guy, I hope that will be my future career. I'm always adding stuff to my computer or customising it someway. If anyone has an XI9W LDC monitor give me a PM, I need one! Apart from computers and games I enjoy football, I used to play but my knees are messed up. Something that's been passed down the family. But I go watch my local football (Soccear) team every week or so. Favourite food is crackers, with or without cheese. I also love House, greatest programme on earth. I've seen about every episode, some more than once. May sound a bit sad but House pride!

That's all I can think of to say.

Hope you enjoyed finding out a little bit amount me smile

Old Crow
[Image: Pokemon_logo___Umbreon_by_PrinzeBur.gif]
Oh hai there Biggrin Welcome to Surreal mate, so far you seem like a top bloke smile
[Image: xjWu8.png]
[Image: 2a6jyb5.png]

Hi and welcome to Surreal Crow, nice to meet you and yes I did read all of your intro lol Biggrin

You Had Me at Hello is my fave A Day to Remember song Wub
Welcome to Surreal. It was nice to meet you earlier today. smile
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
Hey Crow, welcome to Surreal. Was fun seeing you and your monkey at the event smile
Welcome to the Surreal forums Crow.
Was nice meeting you today and even showing up to our event. smile
Cool intro too. I played football when I was about 10. Biggrin
Welcome to Surreal smile
Welcome to Surreal smile.

truth is, not everyone is going to like you.
you'll be beautiful to one, and ugly to another.
you're amazing to one, and terrible to another.
there will always be people who bring you
down, who disagree with you, who hurt you,
and that's normal. just hold your head up high:
for every person who brings you down, there
are more who are willing to keep you up.

they're the ones that keep you strong.
welcome to surreal! Biggrin
you like adtr. ammgg <3333
Thank you all for the welcomes smile
[Image: Pokemon_logo___Umbreon_by_PrinzeBur.gif]

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