2011-03-24 17:15:38
Main Announcement
Hello there fellow members!
I know It's normally Downfall that does these sorts of announcements but I've got my own this month...oh yes I have!
To start off...I would like to bring in a new member to the Events Team as we're a little short staffed for the events. I would like to congratulate PiXey_STYX on getting the position! Welcome to the team Pixey!
You've shown great efforts to try and attend every EST Event possible and every event you have been too you have always complimented on how good it was and how many members showed up to actually do the event! It makes myself and the staff happy that you and the members apprecitate all the events we host for you all! As we were in quite some need of a EST Events Member the Staff and I thought you would do the perfect job for us here and for all the members too!
In Other News..
Hmm what else has happened this month? Well firstly I would like to congratulate on all members that have passed there provisional trial period to Full Members! Welcome Aboard all of you and I hope you enjoy every minute being a Surreal Member.
I dont know if this has been mentioned in a previous announcement but I just loved the effort every member that took part in the Overall Skillweek! It was awesome, you showed everyone how much EXP you can gain! Even if you're Downfall and gain around 150 Exp. What who said that?
If you're wanting your Overall Skillweek signature just click here and just find your name and follow the instructions given.
Talking about Skillweeks, the current skillweek atm Slayer is going really well. I'm impressed on the efforts that are being put into this skill when not many people like it as it is combat!
I bet most of you're wondering about when the next PYP is? (All expect Team Downfall and myself!) Well I can offically tell you that it will be coming VERY soon! I'm not going to tell you what skill it is. That is for Downfall to announce tell you all. All I can say about it is that's a cool skill.
To end this wonderful announcement I just made, I hardly make them since Downfall LOVES to type. He told me that. I know it might not be the best presented announcement but hey! I will be making more from now on.
Any haters please PM me and I will sort out your punishment.
Over and Out Ladies!