Promotions & MotM

Hey Surrealists!

This week, it is the first Tuesday of the month, which means we're introducing our periodic promotions (only if they're needed), along with our Member of the Month selection. Before I reveal our promotions for this month, I'd just like to point out that we cannot select everyone to become a staff member. If you are not chosen, don't think that it is because you are not worthy - it's simply because you may not meet our activity or locational criteria at the moment. We do not hate you! Tongue

A Senior becomes Staffer
Firstly, lets give a warm Surreal welcome to xProvidence (Andrew) who is being promoted to Staff. Andrew is active, enthusiastic and a great communicator - he's been with Surreal for long enough to know the ins and outs of the clan, which makes him a great selection for staff.

Personally, I'd like to welcome Andrew to the staff team and I hope that we'll see some great things from you in the future. I know you're more than capable of handling the job and that you'll do Surreal proud smile Congratulations, buddy!

Staffers to Seniors?
Well, this is actually something that Surreal has only ever done twice; promote Staff members to Senior Staff. I have an immense level of respect for both of the people receiving senior staff today and I'm really proud to say that I am promoting two staff today!

Congratulations to ChangingLane (SRL Change) and Frosty (SRL Frosty) on your new positions as senior staff. Both of you have proved to me that you have a respect for the clan and everyone in it, are hard working and have been highly involved in the community for a very long time.

Change has recently taken over our Surreal Express (TSE) which was originally run by Bug out of his own initiative. He took the project by it's horns and made something with it. Change has also made us some very useful backstage tools to make events easier to manage, and has hosted more events than me! Biggrin

Frosty has been a proud member of staff for a while now, doing backstage multimedia work, getting to know new members and maintaining the standard of community involvement we have here. Frosty has been a huge help and I don't know what we'd do without our crazy yellow snowman!

Welcome to the team both of you, I know you'll do us proud ^_^

Member of the Month
Finally; we have our Member of the Month for May 2011! The staff of Surreal have come down to a vote and Evaluate was chosen to be May's Member of the Month.

Thank you Evaluate for being an active member of the clan, community and for participating in our special competitions. Your contributions to the clan have been great and we hope to see more of it! Thank you for being such an enthusiastic figure in the clan and congratulations!

[Image: evaluate.png]


That's all for this month in promotions, so thanks for reading and congratulations to all those who received new positions - we couldn't be happier with the team we have today smile
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
Congrats to everyone who got promoted, well done Wink
And a big congrats to Evaluate for getting MotM!!
[Image: FV39kOB.gif]
[Image: profiles_2701252967d061dcbea5_2057_651783.jpeg]
Woohoo! Wub Andrew on Staff Yahoo

Huge congrats to Change and Snowball on Senior Wub
[Image: KittehPryde.png]
RSN: KittehPryde - Ironman RSN: FallOutPiXeY
[Image: zocnja.jpg]
[Image: 33cyesl.jpg] [Image: 2445z76.jpg]
everything happens for a reason.
live today, like tomorrow is your last.
it's better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for who you are not.

Thank you all, totally didn't expect that!

HUGE congratz to Change and Frosty, both promotions DEFINITELY deserved. Congratulations to Andrew as well, good fellow to have in a staff position smile
[Image: evaluate-staff.png] 
Have a question? My PM is always ON.
Grats to Andrew on your new staff position!! and grats to frosty and change on their new senior staff positions Wub this is where Meg needs to learn to share LOL

Grats to Ev on member of the month, very well deserved!! Biggrin
Congrats, Frosty and Change, on your senior staff promotions! Now Meg has some silver crown buddies on the forums. <3

Also congrats to Andrew, welcome to the team, buddy!

And last but not least, congrats Evaluate on member of the month; well deserved! ^_^
Congrats to all, enjoy the promotions!
Well done Andrew! A promotion to staff is fantastic and no doubt exciting! Enjoy your new role and do the clan proud. Good

Nice work Change and Frosty (Forsty) on becoming senior staff members. Frosty is always great value (and in my timezoneGrin) and Change has produced a fantastic Newsletter thingy! Good

Finally, congratulations to Evaluate on your Member of the Month!!!
Nicely done and enjoy the glory! Good
What is the point of being an adult , if you can't be childish sometimes.
--Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor

Congrats everyone! ^^

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