[Answered] Elysian SS
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I've been aiming to get Elysian now for about a year and have so far only managed to salvage 55m from my Arcane sale (which leaves me some 460m short).

I'm curious to know by those of you who actually have an Ely/Divine about how you got it - GodWars? Corp drop? Mass claw drops?

Slayer just doesn't cut it mass-cash wise (although it's freakin' awesome for Charms Biggrin).

[Image: UberSanta.png][Image: 42u3cez]
[Image: zamorak.png]

I had a Divine and then d/g'd to an Ely. I didn't like either and sold Ely after about a day. Either way, I made mine by doing PvM and staking.
I have an ely, firstly I will say it is NOT worth the money, I keep it for looks on‌ly =p.

I got 99 slayer when it was still very worth doing for the cash side of things.. Got 30+ whip drops when they were still 3m+

I also do a bit of pvm, Bandos is usually your best bet from a drop rate point of view though it usually comes down to personal preference.

I have made quite a bit of money from staking, however, I only suggest staking to people who are willing to lose their money in the pursuit of gaining alot.


And there is also the potential of the tried and tested money making methods, if you want to fight the bots off at green dragons and such like smile
I know you don't want to hear from me because I don't have an Elysian, but I want to try and help you with money making methods, perhaps with the spare cash that you have from selling your Arcane you could do some merchanting? either investing or item flipping, I recommend the latter. It doesn't earn you any experience, but it doesn't take an awful lot of time either, and you could easily make at least 3m per day with minimal effort.
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Dont have an ely, but I do have all buyables done.
PvM is your best bet. I've prolly made a bil or 2 from it over the years. Guaranteed money after awhile, just be patient. Whatever you choose, stick with it. If you do one thing and dont stop, the money will come quickly.
[Image: zephyr.png][Image: L_Zephyr_l.png]
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Nex is where it's at for the real big bucks- when you get the decent gear and join a good Nexing clan you'll probably be valuing cash in the tens of millions per hour. Not bad effigies either if you join a non-lootshare team (many of which share the drops around, no lootshare used for the RoW effect I believe).

Starting cash needed to join a good clan is pretty phenomenal though Tongue
[Image: portus-champ-2012.png]
[Image: portus.png]
my mate kyle made money for divine in about 2-3 weeks at nex
but tbh i think the dungeon shields are better
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