Bonus XP Weekend - 9th to 12th of September
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The next Bonus XP Weekend will begin at 12:00 BST (midday) on the 9th of September 2011 and will end at 12:00 BST (midday) on the 12th of September 2011.

Whether it’s stocking up on rune essence, collecting potion ingredients, planning the perfect Dungeoneering party set-up with your friends or just looking forward to a relaxing weekend of Fishing, now is the time to prepare so you’re ready to make the most progress possible.

Once the Bonus XP Weekend begins on Friday the 9th of September, the XP modifier will come into effect for all members. The modifier will begin at x2.7 the rate of XP you would earn from standard training activities, and will drop to a new multiplier every 30 minutes of game time. The table below should help with any preparations you want to make:

[Image: bxpweekend.png]

The ‘XP’ button will change to ‘XP+’ when the weekend begins, tracking how much XP you rack up over the course of the weekend. It will also have a tooltip to show you what your current XP modifier is.

As before, Summoning XP will be boosted by a set percentage of 10% over the course of the three days; all other skills will follow the schedule noted in the table above.

For further details of which actions will and will not be modified by the Bonus XP Weekend, and for more information in general, please read the Three Cheers blog.

Mod Fetzki
Head of RuneScape
Ovl, here I come Biggrin!
Will be nice 8)
Main: Princess Emiko Yuki
Alt: Princess Revy Chan

It's stupid they capped Summoning (I know they did from the 2nd weekend onwards), but that clearly gave those who got mass Summoning exp the first BEXP an advantage Sad

On a side note though, I am glad they're doing it again Biggrin
[Image: UberSanta.png][Image: 42u3cez]
[Image: zamorak.png]

They should get charm drops doubled during whole weekend to compensate
[Image: unled1bqq.png]
Yeah, my friend went from 85 - 99 summoning during the first BXP weekend. But, ah well, I'm just glad they haven't capped off herblore yet. That's my main focus during this BXP weekend.
Herblores my main focus, then summoning once down to 1.1
Me behave? Seriously? As a child I saw Tarzan almost naked, Cinderella arrived home from a party after midnight, Pinocchio told lies, Aladin was a thief, Batman drove over 200 miles an hour, Snow White lived in a house with seven men, Popeye smoked a pipe and had tattoos, Pac man ran around to digital music while eating pills that enhanced his performance, and Shaggy and Scooby were mystery solving hippies who always had the munchies. The fault is not mine!
I don't see a problem with capping summoning..actually it is a good thing. Otherwise the entire skill would be ruined. They fixed it after the first BXP, sure some people got lots of xp, but those people are few in the long run.

Looking forward to this. smile Also going to buy as many Dragon Bones as I can while they are still cheap, which this BXP helped make them.
[Image: 7gfS0.png]
[Image: W_aldo.png]

"If everybody helps his neighbour then who needs help?"

Member of the Year - Member of the Month - TOTM Winner - Fight for Surreal's Top Skiller


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