Xorthex: A New Kid on the Block
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Runescape Name: Xorthex
Real-life name/nickname: Miguel
Age: 17
Country: United States
Describe yourself in one word: Eccentric

What got you started playing Runescape?: My new friends convinced me at my new school in 6th grade that I should try out this game. I instantly liked the tutorial as I had seen nothing like it before. I played for half an hour the first day and kept on playing it ever since (although now I play much more than half an hour at a time!)
Favorite Movie: None
Occupation: High School Student
Other language(s): English, Spanish, very little Japanese
Hobbies/talents: Musician (Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Baritone Saxophone, Guitar, Piano/Keyboards/Organ/Synthesizer, Drums/Percussion, Trumpet, some Oboe, some Baritone/Euphonium), Long Distance Running, Adventuring/Exploring Outside, Hanging out with friends while sometimes just doing nothing, Eating, Sleeping, 'Scaping >.
Yep, that's pretty much me in a very, very short summary. Feel free to ask any questions!!!!!!
Oboe, huh? I was a keen oboe player in high school (the only one in the school!) but have since abandoned it - good to see somebody else plays it! smile
Looks like we have someone with a very keen musical talent, eh? Welcome to Surreal as a Provisional and keep rockin' (Unless that's not what you do Dsmile Make yourself completely at home, we're all here for you! Lemme know if any service is needed.
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
Welcome smile
Hey mate, welcome to Surreal smile hope you like it here!
[Image: xjWu8.png]
[Image: 2a6jyb5.png]

Welcome to Surreal Miguel Biggrin hope you enjoy it here smile
Thanks everyone. Looking forward to it!
Wow you're one talented guy ! You play mostly everything ! Haha, that's awesome man, keep playing ! Biggrin Welcome to the clan =]
Quite the musician.

Welcome Miguel Grin
welcome to the clan

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