[Complete] Mr_EPIC_Afro RSOF Application [Expires June 11]

RuneScape Name: Mr_EPIC_Afro
Total level: 1780
Country or Timezone: central timezone (USA) -6 utc
Your favorite RuneScape activity/skill: as of now runecrafting- runespan
What can you bring to Surreal?: i wanted a clan no so much focised on godwars and such, but on skilling events.

Name other clans have you involved yourself with [please be as detailed as you can]: i have cut all other connection with other clans( i resigned from them).


By submitting my application I agree that I have thoroughly read and understood all of Surreal's Official Rules and Requirements. I will follow these rules when associating myself in a situation where I am directly involved with Surreal or representing the clan in any way and will accept relevant punishment should I delve away from these rules.

I agree to stay active unless legitimate reasoning is given, to fulfill the requirements of my Provisional application and that I am in compliance with Surreal's multi-clanning rules, and will continue to be. All of the information I have submitted in this application is my own and I am not in association with any real-world trading or botting communities.

Do you agree to the above statements? [Yes/No* Yes.

yes, i agree.

Other comments: I've been out of the game for a little over a year. I might need a little catching up, but I learn fast. Reply

hope to have a good time here.
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.

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