[Complete] Linspire's app - rejoining! [Expires 20th Feb 2013]

*RuneScape Name: Linspire
*Total level: 2478
*Location or Timezone: England
IRC Nickname: Linspire

General Information
*What's your favorite thing to do in RuneScape?: Gaining XP!
*Why are you applying?: Starting to no-life Runescape again so decided to join the best RS clan Tongue
*How can you contribute to Surreal?: By being active and helping out the rest of the clan

*Name other clans have you involved yourself with [please be as detailed as you can]:
Been so long i can no longer remember

By submitting my application I agree to abide by Surreal's rules, do my best to maintain activity and fulfill the requirements of my two week trial. I'm in compliance with Surreal's multi-clanning rules, and all of the information I've submitted is my own. I am not a part of any botting or real-world trading (RWT) communities.

*Do you agree to the above statements? [Yes/No]
Step Two Application Accepted
Your two week trial has begun! Congratulations!
[Image: jump.jpg]

Here's what to do next!

Congratulations on being approved into step two of our application process! It is now up to you to attend two events, so you can move on to step three. As you progress through the clan's ranking system, you'll be using our clan HUB, located at the top left of the forums, which allows you to track activity and stay on top of things!

[Image: hub-nav.png]

Getting to events

It's easy to get to events and figure out what's the best one for you. All you have to do is attend two in two weeks, remember? Click here to go to our events forum, to see the events for this week!

Skill week rounds also count as an event!

Every two weeks, we hold a SWC competition which you must sign up for before it happens. SWC is basically a skill week competition, which we choose a skill and compete against each other in.

+ Our SWC tracker
+ Sign ups forum


Here are some answers to questions you may have about your time here in the next two weeks...

What counts as an event towards step three?
In-game events, skill week competitions, and completing your citadel resource cap all count as 1 event each towards step three.

Do I have to wait 2 weeks to complete my trial?
Nope! Simply attend two events, and you are free to apply for trial completion.

More Information

Click here for more information about our trial process.

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