2013-04-23 03:12:23
Runescape Name: RoxStar_94
Real-life name/nickname: Roxy
Age: 18
Country: Australia
Describe yourself in one word: shy
What made you start playing runescape: a friend introduced me to it ages ago, then it kinda got addicting lol
Favorite Movie: dont really have a favourite, i just like anything scary
Occupation: mummy/housewife
Other language(s): English only
Hobbies/talents: i like music, games, cooking, my puppies and sleeping . i am very quiet and do not like to talk much
Real-life name/nickname: Roxy
Age: 18
Country: Australia
Describe yourself in one word: shy
What made you start playing runescape: a friend introduced me to it ages ago, then it kinda got addicting lol
Favorite Movie: dont really have a favourite, i just like anything scary
Occupation: mummy/housewife
Other language(s): English only
Hobbies/talents: i like music, games, cooking, my puppies and sleeping . i am very quiet and do not like to talk much