[Guide] Bug's Little Daily Money Makers (7-30)

Hey there, thanks for checking out my guide. Within this guide you'll find some daily trips I make around the world of Runescape collecting free and very cheap items to sell on the grand exchange, Most lists of this sort are outdated on fansites due to the market changes but I usually spend atleast one trip a month seeing what's worth buying and adjusting my list accordingly. I'll keep a date in the title of this guide showing you the last time I updated my list and also will note any change at the bottom of the page here. Just as a warning of sorts, I don't follow any pattern for collecting these, with all the lodestones these days it's nearly possible to teleport right into most of these places. A few of them still require some running and other teleportation methods though so I will list those with the items and locations when needed. Obviously, if you don't feel an item is worth your time or effort because of it's current price just skip that item and move on to the next.

The List

The format used within is as follows. All of the profits are for one of said item, to figure out your total profit just multiple by how many of that item you can buy. Cost of item from shop/NPC | Current GE price as of last update | Profit | Location/Requirements to obtain/Teleports

*If the name of an item is in red from today on it means that item is currently not worth buying due to market changes/loss of profit.

Battlestaves - 7,000 | 8,138 | 1,138 | You can buy these from Zaff (sells up to 80) in Varrock and from Baba Yaga (sells 20) at Lunar Isle (the big house with chicken legs up north). For Zaff you need to have finished the Varrock achievement diary to make the most profit and be able to buy all 80 staves. {Note: Baba Yaga does not note the staves so have 20 free inventory spaces when going to her.} For Zaff just use your Varrock teleport tablet or Varrock lodestone teleport and for Baba Yaga just use the Lunar lodestone.

Seaweed/Pineapples - 2/2 | 352/17 | 350/15 | I visit Arhein who is located just south of the Catherby bank to buy seaweed but since he also sells pineapples for just 2gp each I buy those for my own use but you could sell them if you have no need for them. He sells 80 seaweed and 40 pineapples all noted and it does not require anything to buy these. To reach him just use your Catherby lodestone.

Pure Essence - Free | 58 | 58 | Wizard Cromperty will reward you with 150 pure essence each day after completing the Ardougne hard diary, 100 essence if you have reached the medium diary. Use the Ardougne lodestone and he is located in the magic shop to the east. You can also receive your free 100 pure essence from the wicked hood by right clicking and choosing the option for it, each piece of the wicked outfit also gives you an extra 25 essence. While you're doing that also get your free daily runes from the wicked hood (I currently haven't done the math to see which is most profitable to get but will soon). {Note: If you have not used an omni tiara/talisman on your wicked hood it will only give you rune essence.}

Bucket of Sand - Free | 128 | 128 | This is an oldie but still worth the time in my opinion. Bert who is located just next to the poh teleport in Yanille will send 84 buckets of sand to your bank each day, 120 buckets after completing the Ardougne diary. Just use the Yanille lodestone or poh portal to reach his house.

Flax - Free | 26 | 26 | Geoffrey in the Seer's village flax field will reward you with 30, 60, 120, or 200 flax per day after completing Seer's diary 1, 2, 3, or 4 respectively. Just use your Seer's lodestone to reach him.

Broad arrow heads - 50 | 87 | 37 | You can buy up to 3000 of these from any slayer master, do not buy the unfinished broad bolts as they are not worth it currently (you'd lose 3gp per bolt). Just use the ferocious ring teleport if using Kuradal or visit your slayer master whoever that might be currently. You must have finished the quest smoking kills for this daily. {Note: This is as good as battlestaves making you a profit of 111k total as of the last update each day so don't skip this one.}

Vial of water packs - 500 | 1550 | 1050 | These are located in a number of places. I just buy all the packs at each store I go to. The locations are Jossik in the lighthouse (use a lyre or Relleka lodestone and run west), Sigmund the Merchant located in the Relleka market, Obli who is located in the Shilo general store next to the summoning altar and Aemand who is in the east Ardougne general store. These are all noted and you will need to open the packs before putting in the GE, once opened the vials are all noted making it very handy. Don't buy the vial packs, they use to be worth buying but have since gone to just 1gp each and you would be paying 5gp each. {Note: Prices are per pack. I forget how many vial packs each store sells but you get 50 vials per pack, I will edit this later to show you how many packs are in each store.}

Greenman's Ale - 2 | 886 | 884 | While visiting Jossik for my vial of water packs I also buy the 10 greenman's ale he carries because I'm already there and they have a high profit margin. You could skip these if you prefer being you only make a total 8.8k off it but I just can't pass up a profit margin this large. Sometimes when putting them in GE you can get lucky and make a little more from people who really wanted the ale. {Note: He does not note the greenman's ale so have 10 free inventory spaces for them.}

Raw bird meat packs - 63 | 124 | 61 | You can buy raw bird meat packs from Chargurr within Oo'glog and also buy 10 not in packs (they come not noted) while you're there, they also are the same price as the raw bird meat when the packs are opened (63gp ea). This use to be very profitable but has since really dropped in price, I still do it just because I still go there for other things each day. Total you can buy 310 bird meats and currently you only make 18k off this one. {Note: prices are per raw bird meat not per pack.}

Feathers - 6 | 16 | 10 | As a note before reading further this only makes 20k profit total as of writing this so skipping it is probably not a bad idea, personally I don't even sell the feathers, I keep them for future training. Both Gerrant and Ava sell 1k feathers each and are located rather closely. Gerrant can be found in the Port Sarim fishing shop and Ava within the Draynor Manor, for Ava you must have completed the quest Animal Magnetism.

Yak hide - 50 | 260 | 210 | You can buy 1000 of these from Vanligga in Jatizso from within the food hall after paying her taxes in the quest Fremennik Isles. These are time consuming because you must click to talk with Vanligga and when asked if you want to buy Yak respond "Yes", they are also not noted but the bank is located just south east of the food hall. It's still worth the time in my opinion because you make a profit of 210k from them.

Potato Cactus - Free | 681 | 681 | These are given to you as a reward by the Weird Old Man outside the kalphite hive after completing the desert tasks. They are noted and you can get 20 for the easy, 30 for hard and 40 for elite tasks.

Red sandstone - Free | 1,862 | 1.862 | Obviously, the prices are based off the potion flask which is made with the red sandstone. Each day while you're in Oo'glog just north west of the agility shortcut is a red sandstone deposit that can be mined for 50 pieces, you can take these over to the furnace thing between the pools and south just a bit to melt them and than blow them into potion flasks. After completing the elite desert tasks there is also a second deposit just south east of Sophanem that has 25 pieces you can mine.

Cooking apples/pineapples - Free | 255/17 | 255/17 | As with the feathers this isn't very profitable and I only do it to use the apples/pineapples myself. You can still make an easy 10k doing this though. Del Monti in brimhaven can be found walking around the poh portal and each day he will give you 40 pineapples as a reward for the Karamja tasks, after completing the elite tasks he also gives 40 free apples.

Tokkul - Free | 8,000 | N/A | Okay, so this isn't a real money maker but it's 8k free tokkul per day after completing the Karamja elite tasks, you can get it by talking to the Tzhaar banker within the Tzhaar habitat. Honestly, I just save it up but maybe there's something worth buying to sell once you reach an amount high enough to buy that item, I just haven't taken the time to see if there is anything worth buying.

30 Normal/20 Oak/10 Teak Planks - Free | 524/617/946 | 524/617/946 | These are given to you by Razmire in Mort'ton after completing the medium diary tasks for Morytania. Currently it is most profitable to ask for the normal planks.

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I hope you enjoyed the list! As of the last update you can make 743k gold every day by selling everything on this list! I may have missed a few that didn't come across my mind or I just haven't learned them myself yet, these are the ones I do personally and am always open for suggestions if you know of one I don't know about or might have forgotten about. Any comments or suggestions/corrections are welcome and I appreciate your time for reading this
[Image: Vf5Ok.png]
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This is just a spot for me to keep notes and updates I haven't yet added into the list. That way I can keep the list organized and not have it looking messy when I don't have time to update it smile

I'm not saving anymore spots, only needed one so go ahead and ask questions or post feedback if you want to, thanks!
[Image: Vf5Ok.png]
[Image: k00kmf.png]
Looks nice so far bug. I used to do some dailys when I needed the money for buyables.
Also, you could try and make a spreadsheet to keep prices/profits updated. If you need help making it send me a pm and I can help up. Other than that it looks nice and I can't remember of anything item for you to add to the list.
Time would be nice too. Unless I'm not seeing it somewhere. Lol

I used to do most of these daily, but slowly cut them based on time vs. profit.

After maxing, just stop doing them altogether. Didn't need to afford skills any more. Tongue
[Image: Dreggstar.png]
"... is driving me mad. The images are broken. GOOD GOD FIX IT LOLOL "
I thought you made atleast 1m from dailies, I'll look into them and then let you know

but this list is really well detailed.

Good job Bug!
(2013-07-31 20:43:27)Dreggstar Wrote:  Time would be nice too. Unless I'm not seeing it somewhere. Lol

I used to do most of these daily, but slowly cut them based on time vs. profit.

After maxing, just stop doing them altogether. Didn't need to afford skills any more. Tongue

I have never bothered with recording times for anything XD For me personally, I don't do anything in Runescape which makes me GP other than this and I find them kind of fun so it doesn't bother me if I could make more doing something else. If someone wants to record times and post them I will edit them into the first post though.

(2013-07-31 20:56:25)Joseph Wrote:  I thought you made atleast 1m from dailies, I'll look into them and then let you know

but this list is really well detailed.

Good job Bug!

Maybe 1m if you include herblore runs, (Which I don't do... too lazy to figure out which herbs are best to farm and hate risking them drop in price when I can't play for a week or longer.), but as of the current GE prices it is definitely 743k unless I missed something really profitable.
[Image: Vf5Ok.png]
[Image: k00kmf.png]
Great guide Brian. I'm far too lazy to do dailies myself, but it looks like they sure can be worth the effort. I'm sure this guide will prove very handy to others smile
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