[Complete] nP Predator Step Two Application [Expires 6th September]
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RuneScape Name: nP Predator
Total level: 1856
Combat level: 160
Location or Timezone: GMT-5:00 / Eastern Standard Time / New York, U.S.A.
IRC Nickname: N/A

General Information
What's your favorite thing to do in RuneScape?: My favorite thing to do in Runescape is to cut magic trees. It is not because it is fun or it is exciting it was something I strive to do since I started playing the game. Back when you started the game on tutorial island the first thing you did was cut down a tree. For some reason that stuck with me and from that point on I wanted to achieve 99 Woodcutting. I worked my way up through normal trees, oak trees, willow trees and yew trees. At some point I heard people talking about the Magic trees. Latter on after some research I learned that they were the highest level tree in the game. Once I finally reached that level of 75 Woodcutting I bought membership for the first time on Runescape just so I could cut down those trees. I remember the first time I cut a magic tree down it felt like I really accomplished something. I cut those trees for a really long time and eventually I got 99 woodcutting, my first 99 skill, only cutting magic trees. Some people might call that crazy but it was the most fun I have ever had playing this game, not to mention I made tons of money doing this.
Why are you applying?: I am applying to this clan for many reason, the most important of them being the skilling competitions, the community orientated approach and the reality active chat. I enjoy skilling and if I am motivated by another source then just gaining levels I would accomplish my goals at extraordinary rates. The one time I was in a XP computation it was a race to 99 cooking. He started the race with three mil xp till level 99 I started with five mil xp till level 99, I won the competition in three days. The community orientated approach was something I always wanted in a clan, or even more just in the game in general. Back when I was cutting magic logs I would always talk to the people doing the same thing as me. At this point in the game I did not care about money so when someone said they were cutting magic for money I helped them out and gave them a portion of my stash in the bank. Most of these people took the logs and ran but there are some people who really appreciated it and those people are some of my best friends on Runescape. But in conclusion I felt like when I was hanging around in your clan chat that if I needed some help or if someone else needed some help there was always someone there that could help. The relatively active chat was something that my previous clans have lacked in and form hanging in your fiends chat for a pretty long time and from that the chat has much, much more active then the chats of clans I have been in, in the past. In conclusion I fell that this clan is the perfect clan for me.
How can you contribute to Surreal?: This is a hard question to answer so I am going to put out every single thing I can possibly think of that I can bring to this clan. First of all I can bring my knowledge of the game, I have played this game since 2007 and know a lot about it. I have done hundreds of hours of research of the most efficient ways to train skills, game mechanics, ect. and I am willing to share this information with any one that wants to know it. I am a community based player that wants to help other people out whether it is with bossing or just having a bit of fun fighting in the duel area. I am active in the chat and enjoy getting in to any conversation on almost any topic. Ever since I have been in a clan I have capped at my clans citadel every week I could. If wanted I can video clan events or anything that the clan wants, I recently bought the screen recorder Bandicam and have the ability to record in full 1080p without lagging on Runescape. I also am relatively good at editing video and using programs like Photoshop(I use Pint.net). I have experience running a clan and hosting events, I was the leader of one for 2 years, if needed.

*Name other clans have you involved yourself with [please be as detailed as you can]:
Zamoraks Guild – This was a clan I founded and was the leader of for approximately two years. This was a clan that anyone could join. We grew rapidly mainly because of my push and devotion to reciting new players. This was amazing for a very long time, people were always talking and having fun. We had all different competitions from hide and go seek to tournaments in the duel area. We constantly kept growing and eventually I and my trusted friends could not handle the load of keeping control of a clan that at this point had over 400 people in it. Because of this I had to promote people to positions that they may have not earned or deserved. This gave some people the ability to abuse their powers without spending the time to earn them. Eventually because of this mistake the clan got a bad reputation and may people left and eventually there were only inactive people left and me. At this point I left and did not want to get in to another clan because of the bad experience at the end of the running of this clan.
Secure Haven – Eventually when I realized the benefits of being in a clan such as the clan avatar and the skilling rings that gave bonus XP. The clan I found was this one Secure Haven. I was in this clan for about 6 months and worked my way up to the rank of Coordinator. Though out the first four months the clan was good, they had a decent level citadel, and a decent chat. But they never had a clan event, ever. In the last month the chat has died and it seemed that almost no one was capping at the citadel. This with the combination of seeing this clan from Scapeskills video on this clan and then reading everything I could read on you website as well as hanging out in your clan chat, I decided to leave that clan in a hope of joining this one.

By submitting my application I agree to abide by Surreal's rules, do my best to maintain activity and fulfill the requirements of my two week trial. I'm in compliance with Surreal's multi-clanning rules, and all of the information I've submitted is my own. I am not a part of any botting or real-world trading (RWT) communities.

*Do you agree to the above statements? [Yes]

Other comments: At this point I have put you through enough reading and would like to say three more things. First of all I would like to explain why I answer even simple question with extremely answers. This is because if I do something I make sure that I do it to the fullest extent, no matter what I am doing I always make sure I put out my best effort to accomplish my goal. Next I would like to direct you to my introduction in case you have not read it I give some more information there http://www.clansurreal.com/board/thread-6539.html. Finally I would like to say a bit more about my Runescape Stats: 60mil+ xp, All Stats above level 63, 3 99’s in Woodcutting, Cooking and Firemaking, 88 day+ played (on this account).
Thanks For reading my essay of an application and hope that in can join this amazing community soon.
Step Two Application Accepted
Your two week trial has begun! Congratulations!
[Image: jump.jpg]

Here's what to do next!

Congratulations on being approved into step two of our application process! It is now up to you to attend two events, so you can move on to step three. As you progress through the clan's ranking system, you'll be using our clan HUB, located at the top left of the forums, which allows you to track activity and stay on top of things!

[Image: hub-nav.png]

Getting to events

It's easy to get to events and figure out what's the best one for you. All you have to do is attend two in two weeks, remember? Click here to go to our events forum, to see the events for this week!

Skill week rounds also count as an event!

Every two weeks, we hold a SWC competition which you must sign up for before it happens. SWC is basically a skill week competition, which we choose a skill and compete against each other in.

+ Our SWC tracker
+ Sign ups forum


Here are some answers to questions you may have about your time here in the next two weeks...

What counts as an event towards step three?
In-game events, skill week competitions, and completing your citadel resource cap all count as 1 event each towards step three.

Do I have to wait 2 weeks to complete my trial?
Nope! Simply attend two events, and you are free to apply for trial completion.

More Information

Click here for more information about our trial process.
@iWader on Twitter.
Had a good read. Good luck with your application!
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.

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