[Complete] Trial app - My journey to joining Surreal begins [Expires 7th September]
Thread Closed 

*RuneScape Name: D e b s
*Total level: 2569 & rising
*Combat level: 200
*Location or Timezone: England / GMT
IRC Nickname: [D]ebs (when I'm on IRC)

General Information
*What's your favorite thing to do in RuneScape?: Right now Divination although getting withdrawal symptoms from Agility.
*Why are you applying?: I've been chilling around on Teamspeak for the last 3 days and found people very friendly.
*How can you contribute to Surreal?: I've been around RS for 11 years now & am maxed. I've only ever joined a clan before when I know I can be commited and dedicated.

*Name other clans have you involved yourself with [please be as detailed as you can]: (sorry for the long list as I used to PK alongside my skilling)

Aug - Oct 06 Anarchy. - first experience of pking and found it hard to settle.
Oct 06 - Mar 07 Mystic Knights - they closed down.
Apr 07 - Aug 07 Blacknights - Enjoyed my time here as had a nice community & balance of pking.
Sept 07 - May 08 (can't remember clan name but I was part of leadership) - Met Killians here as our clans held joint events. At the end of May I was busy with work so quit RS for a few months.
Sept 08 - Oct 09 Eternal Honour - Would say that this was probably one of my best clan experiences. Had an amazing community and was gutted when leaders decided to close it down.
Jan 10 - Sep 11 Runescape Dinasty - Was the closest thing to Eternal Honour in terms of community and EH members generally went to either TT or RSD at that time. Decided to leave when the clan didn't feel the same anymore.
Sept 11 - Aug 12 The Titans - Wasn't gonna join another clan but friends from EH that were still there persuaded me to try it out. I was promoted at work in May 12 and after being granted inactive in the May decided by August that I didn't have time to fully devote to the clan so I left.
Jul 13 - Aug 13 Serenity Isle - This was the first skilling only clan that i've ever joined. Had to apply on the RS boards and even after being accepted found that they only really communicate through clan chat and even then barely speak. Never really felt part of the clan.

By submitting my application I agree to abide by Surreal's rules, do my best to maintain activity and fulfill the requirements of my two week trial. I'm in compliance with Surreal's multi-clanning rules, and all of the information I've submitted is my own. I am not a part of any botting or real-world trading (RWT) communities.

*Do you agree to the above statements? [Yes]

Other comments:

I 've really enjoyed hanging out with some of you on teamspeak the last few days which has made my decision to apply very easy.
TERRWYN: Welsh name meaning "brave fair one."

[Image: pbmJpDG.png][Image: e5juWGD.png]
[Image: 9mnl8B0.gif][Image: RnAibsa.png]
[Image: user1-dark.png]    
Skill pets since my return 4th September 2018
19th October - Bernie the Firemaking pet drop 
30th October - Brains the Farming pet drop
8th November - Malcolm the Invention pet drop
16th November - Shamini the Summoning pet drop
[Image: FV39kOB.gif]
omg my face hurts of happiness
Yay!! Glad you decided to apply smile I look forward to getting to know you better!
[Image: 7WiM6jg.png]
g & a p m p r o f i l e
s t a t s (Click to View)
Good to see that you applied Deb smile I'd accept, but I'm on my phone. Tongue
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
Step Two Application Accepted
Your two week trial has begun! Congratulations!
[Image: jump.jpg]

Here's what to do next!

Congratulations on being approved into step two of our application process! It is now up to you to attend two events, so you can move on to step three. As you progress through the clan's ranking system, you'll be using our clan HUB, located at the top left of the forums, which allows you to track activity and stay on top of things!

[Image: hub-nav.png]

Getting to events

It's easy to get to events and figure out what's the best one for you. All you have to do is attend two in two weeks, remember? Click here to go to our events forum, to see the events for this week!

Skill week rounds also count as an event!

Every two weeks, we hold a SWC competition which you must sign up for before it happens. SWC is basically a skill week competition, which we choose a skill and compete against each other in.

+ Our SWC tracker
+ Sign ups forum


Here are some answers to questions you may have about your time here in the next two weeks...

What counts as an event towards step three?
In-game events, skill week competitions, and completing your citadel resource cap all count as 1 event each towards step three.

Do I have to wait 2 weeks to complete my trial?
Nope! Simply attend two events, and you are free to apply for trial completion.

More Information

Click here for more information about our trial process.
@iWader on Twitter.

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