Hullo !
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Hello !

Runescape Name: Blind
Real-life name/nickname: Michael
Age: 21
Country: Australia
Describe yourself in one word: Blind

What made you start playing runescape: I've always had a fascination with chopping trees.
Favorite Movie: Hmm there's no runescape movie yet, is there?
Occupation: Student
Other language(s): N/A
Hobbies/talents: Braille reader

Many thanks to Borrowed Yak who helped me to this forum (:
Hullo! Welcome, Michael smile Fellow Aussie! Panic!
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
Hey Micheal, welcome to Surreal, if you have any questions feel free to message me in game or here on forums. Please feel free to join our cc "Surreal" and get an invite when some one is on. =]
Welcome to SRL !!!
Welcome to our forums smile
[Image: angusmotm.png]
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.
Welcome Michael - Aussies represent! (y)
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
Welcome to the clan smile
G'day mate!

Welcome aboard. Hopefully you enjoy our company smile
Welcome to the clan bud smile

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