hello :]
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Runescape Name: Amenhotep
Real-life name/nickname: Matt
Age: 16
Country: United States
Describe yourself in one word: Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia Shok

What got you started playing Runescape?: Friends played it
Favorite Movie: Requiem for a Dream
Occupation: School
Other language(s): Learning French & German
Hobbies/talents: Music, Adobe Photoshop, Video Games, Math, Soccer, Swimming and Basic Programming.

Look forward to hanging out in your chat and possibly join at some point in time. Tongue

Hey Matt smile Glad to see you registered, gave your Clan Buddy rank so that you can access a few more forums than normal registered users! I look forward to seeing you around, don't hesitate to post around Biggrin What programming languages you been learning? Epic stuff that is haha
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
Hi smile
And lol @ hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia and it's meaning Yahoo
[Image: UvXSfs2.png]
[Image: kCsmlGL.jpg][Image: user1-dark.png]
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Annual Surreal Awards 2016 (Click to View)
Java, C++ : But like I said just some of the basics lol.
Welcome to the forums, Matt!
Welcome to our forums Matt. Enjoy your stay!

What does your RS name mean?
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Welcome to the forums Biggrin

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