[Complete] Application From The Fart Queen! [Expires 24 Jan 2015]
Thread Closed 

* Note to staff: Apologies in advance for the long read on my clan history. It said to be as detailed as you can, so that's what I did. Also, I hope that me rejoining two of the clans listed once, won't make me look bad.

RuneScape Name: Lady Spyra
Total level: 2304
Combat level: 121

Location or Timezone: EST
Have you been referred here? If so, by whom? Found your clan on RSOF. Found your offsite forums via RS clan page smile
How can you contribute to our clan?: I'll keep it smelling delightful with farts, of course! Wink haha. Aside from that, I enjoy trying to come up with new ideas for the clan I'm in, challenging my creativity sometimes. I'm a very positive person that loves trying to make others laugh.

Name other clans you have involved yourself with [please be as detailed as you can]:

Rakhi-Sunita Family ~ October 2005 - May 2006
[Founded by Sparklymind (inactive). Mainly skilling clan. Roles held during this timeframe: Member, activity coordinator] I joined cause Sparkly was one of the first people I met when I first got membership on RS, so I was close to her. It had a true family feel, with no more than 30 members. A bunch of drama occurred for a while between a member and his girlfriend (she wasn't ever in Rakhi). I took as much drama as I could before leaving, but remained in close contact to encourage the members in a positive way.
White Dragon Warriors ~ May 2006 - October 2006
[Founded by Authorloo37 & Pzh69 (I think..?). Skilling/warring clan. Roles held during this timeframe: Member, Co-Leader of the Skillguiders] I don't remember how I met WDW, but I started hanging around them while the drama went on in Rakhi, and joined at the date listed. I initiated the 'doodle' trend (adding 'doodles' to the end of members' RSNs). Something called the skillguiders got formed based from an idea I came up with. I forget exactly what a skillguider was, if I remember correctly interested members got to choose a skill(s) to create events from & offer informative advice on effective ways to train that skill (hence the 'guide' part of 'skillguider'). I left after experiencing my first ranked wildy war. The members tried persistently for a year to get me to come back.
Rakhi-Sunita Family ~ October 2006 - May 2011
[Roles held during this timeframe: Arch council, co-leader, leader] I returned to Rakhi when Sparkly told me she was going to be cleaning up the memberlist and breathing new life back into the family, and said she'd love to have my help. I agreed, and was placed on the Arch Council, with two others. Time went on and we got promoted to Co-Leader. The other two left, and someone else got promoted to Co-Leader. My main role as Co-Leader was recruiting and managing/arranging events with our allied clans. Sparkly wasn't active so much due to health reasons, and we didn't have admin rights to Rakhi's offsite forum, so I created a temp forum so we could validate members who registered. The other Co-Leader's personality ended up clashing with not just me, but with Sparkly as well. That Co-Leader left, and it remained just me for a few months. Sparkly's inactiveness caused her to realize that I was basically running the show, so she stepped down and promoted me to leader, in May 2008. I successfully led the clan by myself for 3 years, with the help of my Council/Arch Council. I left when all of my council got busy with real life simultaneously and everyone in the clan seemed unenthused to continue (repairs needed to be done and I didn't have the energy anymore).
Skillers of Honor ~ May 9th 2011 - February 20th 2012
[Founded by Dtzzy (doesn't play anymore). Skilling clan mostly. Roles held during this timeframe: Council, co-leader, leader] SoH was one of the allied clans of Rakhi that we were particularly close with. They had a monthly posting requirement on their offsite forums. I kept track of that, and was also in charge of recruiting. I moved up to Co-Leader, and eventually a Leader (alongside two others). The clan had some turbulence. Dtzzy was tired of dealing with it, and with RS as well, so she quit. The members seemed to take to me. They were supportive, believed in me, etc... but I had no interest in leading a clan solo again, especially one with issues needing to be addressed. I was going to stick around to help the other leader, but he ended up spending his time with another clan. He said he was there for me but he honestly wasn't, so I took my leave.
Prime Cut ~ March 3rd 2012 - August 15th 2012
[Founded by Fattylicious/Paz (active). Skilling/PvM 21+ aged clan. Roles held during this timeframe: Member, co-leader] I found this clan via a post on my 'looking for a clan' thread. It was very new with less than 15 members, so I put my love for recruiting to very good use. Got a lot of members to join and stay. I was promoted to a "keyholder" (I consider it a co-leader) around April. I managed our recruit thread. I left due to boredom (not very many events, and only ever on the weekends).
Zimmers ~ August 15th 2012 - August 26th 2012
[Founded by The Six Pigs (I think..?). Skilling/PvM 21+ aged clan. Roles held during this timeframe: Member] I found their recruit thread on the forums while I was bored with Prime Cut. I was intrigued because they were a 21+ age requirement clan just like Prime Cut, but they were considerably larger in size. I usually stray from larger clans but I had never been in a large 21+ aged clan. I discovered it was too much for me, and left.
Prime Cut ~ August 26th 2012 - January 8th 2015
[Roles held during this timeframe: I don't know what to call myself because there's not much of a rank structure, but I was ranked coordinator in the clan chat, and I was a recruiter during the times we were recruiting & I still managed our recruit thread as well] I returned to this clan cause I enjoyed the size, the fact that it would never be too large, the people, and the atmosphere. The lack of events disturbed me still though, so an event team went into effect around a month after I rejoined the clan. It lasted only around 2-3 months before most of them seemed to get busy with real life around the same time. It never made a return. I was still interested in RS despite no clan events, so it wasn't such a big deal to me. Our citadel reached tier 7 in August. Fatty/Paz got busy with her new time-consuming job around October/November and she didn't want to have to cap at the citadel on multiple accounts just to maintain upkeep so she set it for tier 6. The clan changed really when she got that job. The clan chat had more frequent times of silence than usual. Members seemed unenthused to do much of anything together. That on top of there not being any events, eventually caused me to lose interest in even bothering to log on. I eventually decided I needed a change, so I left.



By submitting my application I agree to abide by Surreal's rules, do my best to maintain activity and fulfill the requirements of my two week trial. I'm in compliance with Surreal's multi-clanning rules, and all of the information I've submitted is my own. I am not a part of any botting or real-world trading (RWT) communities.

Do you agree to the above statements? [Yes/No] Yes!

Other comments: I hope I'm deemed worthy of getting accepted into Surreal. I really enjoy the clan and feel like it's what I need to get back into wanting to play RS again. Also think I could be beneficial in some way. Thank you for reading my super long application, and for your consideration as well. *fart*
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
Application Approved *fart*
[Image: prov_accepted.jpg]

Please Read!
Congratulations on being approved into step two of our application process! It is now up to you to attend two events, so you can complete your application

Additionally, please join our Clan Chat 'Surreal' in-game, and a staff member will add you to our clan.

As you spend time here, you'll be using our clan HUB, located at the top right of the forums, which allows you to track activity, see your trial progress and stay on top of things!

Just on the menu bar on the forums, open the HUB to see at a glance activity information, when our next skill week is and more!

[Image: eac3Qrn.png]

Attending Surreal Events

In-game Events (Weekly)

It's easy to get to events and figure out what's the best one for you. All you have to do is attend two in two weeks, remember?

Click here to go to our events forum, to see the events for this week Please remember, sometimes early on in the week, the events may not have been posted yet.

Skill Week Championship (Bi-weekly)

Skill Week Championship (known as SWC) is a great way to gain experience, and competitively skill against feirce competition.

Every second week, we open a skill vote as well as a sign up in the HUB. If the HUB reports it is Week 1 or 3, a competition is usually underway. Ask us to be added to it!

Clan Citadel Cap

Capping in Surreal's Citadel is very valued, and we appreciate any help on this front. Capping each week counts as one event per week. Posting a screenshot in the Cap Reward thread is mandatory to receive points for it.


What counts as an event?

In-game events, skill week competitions, and completing your citadel resource cap all count as 1 event each towards step three.

Should I wait out my entire trial?

Nope! Simply attend two events, and you are free to apply for trial completion in the HUB. The quicker, the better!

Ask Staff!

Seriously. Don't be afraid. We don't bite! Simply PM Downfall or any staff member in-game or on the forums, or even in the clan chat if you have any questions or need help. We'll even extend your trial period if you need to. We're here to help you enjoy your time here!
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.

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