New Skillcape Design
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Can´t say by only one skill design but i think they should have kept the old shape and just redesign the colours and icons.
Err mixed feelings. I wear my ardy cape though :p
it's just skinnier and longer... the front doesn't that that great. not a big deal though
I actually like them.
TERRWYN: Welsh name meaning "brave fair one."

[Image: pbmJpDG.png][Image: e5juWGD.png]
[Image: 9mnl8B0.gif][Image: RnAibsa.png]
[Image: user1-dark.png]    
Skill pets since my return 4th September 2018
19th October - Bernie the Firemaking pet drop 
30th October - Brains the Farming pet drop
8th November - Malcolm the Invention pet drop
16th November - Shamini the Summoning pet drop
I like the back of the new design, but I agree about the tassels. I don't like them. That is why I voted for the option to only change the icons. If there was an option without the tassels, I would have picked that though.
[Image: myster-q-motm.png]
I don't really like the new design. Waiting til I see them all in game to make a final judgement though.
My image links are a bit broken but I was proud to be SRL MOTM in Feb 2015, along with being weirdly proud of my bank tab of 784 item stacks of useless junk
[Image: Q5ZiDfZ.png][Image: tDqHpca.png]
I feel like they're too similar to the 120 capes, the front looks strange too.
I have such a bad memory. Are the 120 capes being redesigned as well?
No mention of them doesn't mean no redesign Tongue

They would be pretty fantastic, though.
[Image: Dreggstar.png]
"... is driving me mad. The images are broken. GOOD GOD FIX IT LOLOL "
@Dreggstar@ I haven't heard anything about them being redesigned so I don't think they are

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