RuneScape Name: Myster Q
Total level: 2213
Combat level: 106
Location or Timezone: GMT +1
Have you been referred here? If so, by whom? Google
How can you contribute to our clan?: I am a skiller who will try to be a worthy member of the clan. I also enjoy being part of a community: making friends, sharing stories and having a good time in general.
Name other clans you have involved yourself with [please be as detailed as you can]: I used to be a moderator of the level 3 skiller clan Disruption (I used to be a level 3 skiller). When I took a break from RuneScape for my studies, I quit the clan and now it doesn't seem to exist anymore.
By submitting my application I agree to abide by Surreal's rules, do my best to maintain activity and fulfill the requirements of my two week trial. I'm in compliance with Surreal's multi-clanning rules, and all of the information I've submitted is my own. I am not a part of any botting or real-world trading (RWT) communities.
Do you agree to the above statements? [Yes/No] Yes
Other comments:
Thank you for viewing my application and considering me to be part of Surreal!
Total level: 2213
Combat level: 106
Location or Timezone: GMT +1
Have you been referred here? If so, by whom? Google
How can you contribute to our clan?: I am a skiller who will try to be a worthy member of the clan. I also enjoy being part of a community: making friends, sharing stories and having a good time in general.
Name other clans you have involved yourself with [please be as detailed as you can]: I used to be a moderator of the level 3 skiller clan Disruption (I used to be a level 3 skiller). When I took a break from RuneScape for my studies, I quit the clan and now it doesn't seem to exist anymore.
By submitting my application I agree to abide by Surreal's rules, do my best to maintain activity and fulfill the requirements of my two week trial. I'm in compliance with Surreal's multi-clanning rules, and all of the information I've submitted is my own. I am not a part of any botting or real-world trading (RWT) communities.
Do you agree to the above statements? [Yes/No] Yes
Other comments:
Thank you for viewing my application and considering me to be part of Surreal!