June - Behind the scenes
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Behind the Scenes
June 2015
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Behind the Scenes - June 2015


Summer is well and truly here, with a June packed full of red-hot content. Read on!


Tuska is here, flying towards Gielinor with a toothy, evil grin on her face, hell-bent on the destruction of everything!

Get involved now – pick your god and earn tasty rewards like the World Eater armour as you try to save RuneScape. There's plenty to do in this world event, so make sure you explore her back as you hurtle through space. It's not to be missed!

Check out last week's Behind the Scenes video and the Tuska World Event news post for more information.

Slayer belt

The slayer belt project was one of first RuneLabs successes, suggested by the fabulous Dragonsseed.

It's an addition to the existing tool belt, with 12 items to add to help you on your slaying escapades. No longer will you be forgetting your slayer items, with essentials such as rock hammers, slayer bells - and more - being added to the belt.

You'll also be able to spend slayer points on adding your bonecrusher, charming imp and other useful items to the belt, saving you precious inventory space.

Adamant & Rune Dragons

Also from RuneLabs are the mighty adamant and rune dragons - as proposed by Dragonforcae!

Addy dragons can be found deep within the Brimhaven Dungeon, and are a significantly tougher that their mithril cousins. They drop bars, of course, and some new bones too!

Rune dragons are definitely the kings of this update, though, worthy of their rune title. They live on Kethsi - accessible via the World Gate - and require completion of Ritual of the Mahjarrat and Fate of the Gods to access.

You'll want to shatter their rune plating first using dragonbane, then find a way to deal with their aerial attacks and increasingly damaging dragonfire. Some of the rune dragons are even more powerful elite versions, with even tastier drop tables.

Rewards include components to add to glacor boots, make new tier 90 power boots for all combat styles. There's are a cosmetic Kethsi outfit, and a Kethsi ring that provides useful damage boosts and teleports for dragon slayers.

Hidden murals within the dungeons can unlock new dragonkin lore and chunks of Firemaking XP. You'll also see adamant dragons in the Rush of Blood Slayer D&D.

There'll be an Early Bird Bonus for the first 2 weeks, too: increased spawn rates of all dragons, including the elites.

[Image: owLivy8.jpg]

Ninja Spotlight – Artisans' Workshop

This month, the Ninjas have focused on the Artisans' Workshop. They've taken a huge amount of feedback from the forums and social media, concentrating on the rewards and functions of the workshop, making a ton of changes based on your ideas and requests.

Using the workshop - especially making ceremonial swords - is now a much more pleasant experience, with brand new rewards including auto cannon filling!

Heroes Welcome

The people of Rellekka will finally see the return of the legendary hero-turned-god V in a lore-tastic quest.
Rune Dragons
In this exciting new chapter in the Fremennik storyline, you will get to meet and greet with V, and then participate in a dangerous raid on a number of the dragonkin's secret lairs. These raids feature stealth elements and puzzles as you track down your scaly targets. Make sure you're all geared up as you take on dragon guards and even members of the dragonkin themselves!

The quest features a replayable boss fight which drops a new pair of thrown weapons and a tradeable, super-rare level 75 cape. You can also discover new resource locations when you are done - including more adamant dragons.

[Image: kL5JVSR.jpg]

Summer beach party

Look out for some crazy stuff going on in the Lumbridge Crater this month – it's the perfect antidote to the world-ending trauma that's happening in the skies above us.

Reyna – a survivor of the Battle of Lumbridge – plans to turn the whole crater into an awesome, summer beach party, but she needs your help to do it.

Ferry buckets of sand to Reyna to receive mystery boxes full of great prizes, such as coconut hats, tortoises, sand capes and crab hats. Once the beach has been built, there is a huge party planned with a wide range of beach-themed events like a coconut shy, sandcastle building and barbecuing.

Lots of XP will be on offer, and some special portals giving you quick and easy access to your favourite D&Ds. There are also a bunch of special tradeable items you can earn or buy using your Bonds!

Other news

In Solomon's Store, there are two more bank boosters - free to members - and a set of overrides to match the Vitality Suit: a cape, two-handed sword, two-handed crossbow and staff.

There are also challenge gems that allow you to host your own competitions: staked or just for fun, for skilling or combat.

Treasure Hunter has some new headpiece add-ons for your skilling outfits, too.

What is Behind the Scenes?

Behind the Scenes is a sneak peek at the planned game updates that we hope to launch in the coming month.

This, however, is only a plan - not a promise - that a particular update will be released in a particular way or at a particular time. To get you the highest quality updates as quickly as possible, we usually keep on tweaking and testing right up until the moment before release, so sometimes things change or take a bit longer than expected. We aren't afraid to change our plan if necessary, as we will never launch an update before it is ready.

This is slayer heaven.
[Image: user1-light.png][Image: 2JSik6b.jpg]
Bank space, slayer boost, 2 new dragons and... A quest <3!!!
Main: Princess Emiko Yuki
Alt: Princess Revy Chan

It all looks pretty cool to me.

Bank space shouldn't be "needed" by anybody Tongue
The challenge gems should be great for clans. smile
[Image: Dreggstar.png]
"... is driving me mad. The images are broken. GOOD GOD FIX IT LOLOL "
Oh, those challenge gems sound cool. Biggrin Not much information though, I wonder what they'll be like. Tongue

I'm also curious for the beach party. Sounds interesting and could be fun. Biggrin
[Image: myster-q-motm.png]
This BTS prompted me to finally get the rush of blood comp task done since addy dragons were gonna be added to rush of blood which would make it much harder to complete the 20 wave plat challenge. And since I got that done I then looked up the changes that happened a week and a half ago to champions challenge and found out that I could finally unlock that pesky music track without needing a challenge scroll which means thanks to this BTS I ticked off 3 more comp reqs.

But I can't wait for the quest. Quests are my favorite thing on RS and I have always felt like quest cape is the best cape aside from comp due to all it's reqs.
Master of All Wills and Quests
[Image: gohankuten.png][Image: GohanRAWR.gif]
I demand a dragon dragon!
[Image: Nevyn.png]

Hi “Perhaps it's impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be.”  - Oscar Scott Card  King2
(2015-06-06 00:23:37)Nevyn Wrote:  I demand a dragon dragon!

Sorry but the dragon dragon was hunted to extinction.
Master of All Wills and Quests
[Image: gohankuten.png][Image: GohanRAWR.gif]

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