2011-01-07 20:30:00
As in title, we Can choose our future. Not like the other, previous and very weak attempts of Jagex to lets us 'decide' how some things would look like. Aka an 'Guaranteed Content Poll'. - No - . Now we have a decision in our hands what RS can change completely and will have consequences for all of us, in almost everything what we do.
In this topic I want to talk to you about - and I know I am too late for that actually - the meaning of your vote. And that on a long-term period.
Free - Trade
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As in title, we Can choose our future. Not like the other, previous and very weak attempts of Jagex to lets us 'decide' how some things would look like. Aka an 'Guaranteed Content Poll'. - No - . Now we have a decision in our hands what RS can change completely and will have consequences for all of us, in almost everything what we do.
In this topic I want to talk to you about - and I know I am too late for that actually - the meaning of your vote. And that on a long-term period.
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The introduction of the wildy will banish the current worlds where people can PK and bounty hunt over the whole map. The removal of this worlds would mean a huge population in each world.
Current (as seen now on the only list) players online on Bounty hunters worlds: +- 4000
Current players online on PK worlds: +- 1k
Thats 5k people that use their time to go PK at regular basis. For currently 169 servers (assuming that they will just change the PK and BH servers into normal ones, we keep the same amount) we get the impressive looking (and very rough calculated- number of 30 PK'ers per server. Whoa! - Nothing on the whole wildy, there are more Rev's indeed! -
That number should be getting up very fast. How many PK clans do still exist? If you compare that with the clans 3 years ago, you will be shocked. PK clans will be a lot more popular, more people will be in there and the wilderniss will become irritating for people like me.
But! We have to deal with the fact that RuneScape has changed. For example; The login. Everybody can stay in a CC in the lobby, I person scouts and the rest is there in a sec when needed. Or, an other one; The new prayers, or the new herblore, or the improved armour (like the one we are all waiting for 80+ reqs) or ...
Wildy fighting won't be the same as before, never. Even if they exclude things like extreme potions, prayers, ... The wildy now has different meanings. They said they will relocate stuff to other places on the maps, so far for storylines then...
And last but not least for me, the economical aspect. With the removal of 76k'ing, there will be a lot less cash - This is imo a very big deal for Jagex for 2 reasons: 1) They can't ban the misuse of the PK-drops and 2) They want less cash in the game to get more chances for new players - in the game. That will have his consequences for - again - everybody. We will see most of the prices drop, maybe even rares - like the current Santa crash -. What will it change to the rareness of prayer/herb/smithing/construction capes if people pile up their cash piles now - For me the main reason of the current economical crash RuneScape deals with -. And how will other people get their cash? Will resources be depleted, overcrowed and maybe botted? Jagex announced better meanings of banning bots out of the game. - More on that by 'Free - Trade' -.
And after all, I'm positive about the change. I says we have to take this opportunity.
Don't forget to read the next spoiler
Current (as seen now on the only list) players online on Bounty hunters worlds: +- 4000
Current players online on PK worlds: +- 1k
Thats 5k people that use their time to go PK at regular basis. For currently 169 servers (assuming that they will just change the PK and BH servers into normal ones, we keep the same amount) we get the impressive looking (and very rough calculated- number of 30 PK'ers per server. Whoa! - Nothing on the whole wildy, there are more Rev's indeed! -
That number should be getting up very fast. How many PK clans do still exist? If you compare that with the clans 3 years ago, you will be shocked. PK clans will be a lot more popular, more people will be in there and the wilderniss will become irritating for people like me.
But! We have to deal with the fact that RuneScape has changed. For example; The login. Everybody can stay in a CC in the lobby, I person scouts and the rest is there in a sec when needed. Or, an other one; The new prayers, or the new herblore, or the improved armour (like the one we are all waiting for 80+ reqs) or ...
Wildy fighting won't be the same as before, never. Even if they exclude things like extreme potions, prayers, ... The wildy now has different meanings. They said they will relocate stuff to other places on the maps, so far for storylines then...
And last but not least for me, the economical aspect. With the removal of 76k'ing, there will be a lot less cash - This is imo a very big deal for Jagex for 2 reasons: 1) They can't ban the misuse of the PK-drops and 2) They want less cash in the game to get more chances for new players - in the game. That will have his consequences for - again - everybody. We will see most of the prices drop, maybe even rares - like the current Santa crash -. What will it change to the rareness of prayer/herb/smithing/construction capes if people pile up their cash piles now - For me the main reason of the current economical crash RuneScape deals with -. And how will other people get their cash? Will resources be depleted, overcrowed and maybe botted? Jagex announced better meanings of banning bots out of the game. - More on that by 'Free - Trade' -.
And after all, I'm positive about the change. I says we have to take this opportunity.
Don't forget to read the next spoiler
Free - Trade
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Woot, Woot, Woot, free trade. Merching clans are going down - Who thinks they really go down? -.- and you can help your friends in a financial way, you can get cash from stopping friends, you can lend items on trust -like full sets of something, not just 1 item - and scam the noobs to gain easy cash.
All previous junk trading people will stay with their loads of unusable junk piles and much 'potential' cash will be kept out of the game. This and the merching clans are 2 great reasons for Jagex to implement free trade.
They say the GE will stay there, will have his mid price and people will be able to buy and sell stuff. But I hope they thinkover this. Now the marges of Ge prices min - max is what; 5 - 10 %? I hope they won't really bann them but change them into 15-20%, what is a great freedom. And that they base their mid price only on trades done within the GE. - Like trading with friends on half price would mess up the price -
But for me, and nothing points to this but since Jagex is a company that is in my opinion quite greedy, they will in a matter of time introduce their own RWT-shop. Thats also my tought about really banning other RWT'ers and Chinese botters to sell yews/chins/$$ to lazy RS-players. Why would anybody take the risk to lose their account, to lose their bought stuff, or even worse, to lose their credit card details to something they can do in a secure way.
I know this piece isn't worked out as the wildy one, but I have serious concerns about this one too. RuneScape is changed, and how will everybody adapt to this? And even worse, what has Jagex in mind. WHY do they want to do this?
Anybody also has concerns?
And after all, I'm positive about the change. I says we have to take this opportunity.
Don't forget to read the previous spoiler
All previous junk trading people will stay with their loads of unusable junk piles and much 'potential' cash will be kept out of the game. This and the merching clans are 2 great reasons for Jagex to implement free trade.
They say the GE will stay there, will have his mid price and people will be able to buy and sell stuff. But I hope they thinkover this. Now the marges of Ge prices min - max is what; 5 - 10 %? I hope they won't really bann them but change them into 15-20%, what is a great freedom. And that they base their mid price only on trades done within the GE. - Like trading with friends on half price would mess up the price -
But for me, and nothing points to this but since Jagex is a company that is in my opinion quite greedy, they will in a matter of time introduce their own RWT-shop. Thats also my tought about really banning other RWT'ers and Chinese botters to sell yews/chins/$$ to lazy RS-players. Why would anybody take the risk to lose their account, to lose their bought stuff, or even worse, to lose their credit card details to something they can do in a secure way.
I know this piece isn't worked out as the wildy one, but I have serious concerns about this one too. RuneScape is changed, and how will everybody adapt to this? And even worse, what has Jagex in mind. WHY do they want to do this?
Anybody also has concerns?
And after all, I'm positive about the change. I says we have to take this opportunity.
Don't forget to read the previous spoiler
Have fun reading
Don't forget to get into a very nice discussion