Hi there :)
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Runescape Name: Sir Zac
Real-life name/nickname: Zac.
Age: 13.
Country: Australia
Describe yourself in one word: Enthusiastic.

What got you started playing Runescape?: A few of my friends started playing it a long time ago, i didn't really like playing it until they gave me money. I've been hooked ever since. Biggrin

Favorite Movie: The Black Balloon, V for Vandeta and El dorado.
Occupation: Schoolie. Tongue
Other language(s): Bit of Japanese and French.
Hobbies/talents: Swimming, Computers, Gaming, Kendo.

Hey guys, Just wanted to say hi and for letting me join your forums!
I have been looking at this clan for a while now and i really like the sound of it!
Looking forward to trying out. smile

welcome to the forums.
Hey Zac, welcome to Surreal! Good to see yet another Aussie here, now I'm starting to feel less alone LOL - hope you do join and have a great stay here, make yourself right at home and there are plenty cool people to meet smile I think I saw Black Balloon in school once, but it was a long time ago that was. Tongue
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
Thankyou very much. smile

It's not often you get Aussies in a clan (unless they are Australian clans! Tongue). Thankyou very much for welcoming me, i feel at home already.

I hope i have some good times with this clan.

Aussies represent! Wub

Welcome to our clan Zac. Nice to meet you.
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
Welcome to the forums Zac, enjoy your stay smile
[Image: Vf5Ok.png]
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Well hey there Zac smile Glad to see another Aussie in the works
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[Image: 2a6jyb5.png]

Hi Zac, enjoy your time here smile
Kendo.. according to wiki you p;lay with giant wooden swords

me like me like
(2011-09-15 08:01:49)Meg Wrote:  dw guys, one day my true intelligence will shine for the world to see and I will bask in full glory of the beautiful smart woman I truly am....until i wake up Biggrin

[Image: bkhaO.png]
Hiya Zac and welcome to Surreal, The Black Balloon was a great movie which touched me on a personal lvl so really great to see you say it is one of your faves Biggrin

Welcome to surreal and nice to see you've already applied Biggrin

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