2016-10-03 01:49:49
Runescape Name: Auxxi
Real-life name/nickname: Aubree/Aubbers
Age: 23
Country: United States
Describe yourself in one word: Fabulous~
What made you start playing runescape: I joined with some friends back in 4th grade - but after losing my account I had quit. I just recently decided to try playing again & here I am!
Favorite Movie: Hocus Pocus! Best. Movie. Ever.
Occupation: Babysitter/Nanny
Other language(s): N/A
Hobbies/talents: I'm a newbie photoshopper, and I enjoy drawing - not that I'm never good at it
Real-life name/nickname: Aubree/Aubbers
Age: 23
Country: United States
Describe yourself in one word: Fabulous~
What made you start playing runescape: I joined with some friends back in 4th grade - but after losing my account I had quit. I just recently decided to try playing again & here I am!

Favorite Movie: Hocus Pocus! Best. Movie. Ever.
Occupation: Babysitter/Nanny
Other language(s): N/A
Hobbies/talents: I'm a newbie photoshopper, and I enjoy drawing - not that I'm never good at it