So I've been playing Runescape little by little nothing to much.
I've noticed that the number of players online has dropped quite a bit since I was last playing and worlds are looking kind of empty.
Is Runescape nearing its end or is it just me?
Tons of bots got nuked, and alot of high lvl players where also banned, the numbers are always steady, go check out 07 scape, its dropped so down in players as of late.
Oh, I can't believe there were that many bots! Guess that also explains the jump in price on resources which I'm glad I can start making some money again!
07scape is 80% bots. Like its a legit thing that PKing clans encourage botting on 07scape.
What is the point of even playing if your going to just bot?
I wouldn't bother with 07 scape. I played it back then and I don't feel like starting over plus I don't have membership for the time being
I just got worried with the numbers being on the lower side then I remember that was all.