Your Favorite Skill -Past & Present-

Skills aren't the same anymore. At least, the feeling of doing them isn't. Since Runescape 3, some skills have become almost irrelevant while others very highly AFK. Now that I'm even closer to all 99s I'm thinking about which skill I want to level to 120 first (besides dg and inv). I think I want my favorite skill to 120 first.
Before, say late 2000s/early 2010s, it would definitely bee either fletching or runecrafting. And while I still enjoy fletching but not so much runecrafting, I don't think it's my favorite skill anymore. Nowadays I find that I enjoy slayer more than any other skill, though the need to max prevents me from training it right now. The surprise factor and the ability to make good money is what really interests me with slayer.

What were your favorite skills in the past and has that changed or stayed the same?
Because fletching was my first 99, it will always have a special place in my heart. But as far as nostalgia, I remember my very first days in runescape, trying to beat the original cook's assistant and make bread/pies by making my own flour. Now, cooking is still fun, but it's different since I can afford (more or less) to buy fish to cook and don't have to make all the materials myself.
Don't send me into a library without supervision unless you're prepared to file a missing persons report.
I think i kinda like fishvention lately. The rod o matic is kinda funny to work with (way more fun to a crystal rod in my opinion Tongue) and i guess my favorite skill used to be magic i just loved to high alch my items Tongue it had a cool animation aswell (the old school rs animation)
I used to love hunter that was number one but recently I've adapted to loving dungeoneering
My favorite used to be Runecrafting (until the Runespan came about)... Now it is Farming!
(2017-02-14 10:00:27)Socomhunterr Wrote:  I think i kinda like fishvention lately. The rod o matic is kinda funny to work with (way more fun to a crystal rod in my opinion Tongue) and i guess my favorite skill used to be magic i just loved to high alch my items Tongue it had a cool animation aswell (the old school rs animation)

Same! I used to spend my weekends making and alching 10,000 yew/magic longs and nats. That's how I got 99 fletching and 94 magic (back when Ice Barrage was wicked useful). Those were the good ol' days man.
Herblore in the past when you didnt know which herbs you were gonna get identifying, use to farm chaos druids forever lol. Now its of couse slayer without hesitation.
[Image: user1-light.png][Image: 2JSik6b.jpg]
Mine would be range, got 99 range on multiple pking accounts.
woodcutting will forever be my favorite skill. It was my first 99 and even tho I'm working on maxing out there's something relaxing about just cutting a tree. I was so excited the day when I saw the Elder trees were released, and now that there are the porters from divination, you don't really have to leave, until you need to find a new tree since Elders are slow to respawn.
[Image: KittehPryde.png]
RSN: KittehPryde - Ironman RSN: FallOutPiXeY
[Image: zocnja.jpg]
[Image: 33cyesl.jpg] [Image: 2445z76.jpg]
everything happens for a reason.
live today, like tomorrow is your last.
it's better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for who you are not.
(2017-02-21 04:28:10)PiXeYstyx Wrote:  woodcutting will forever be my favorite skill. It was my first 99 and even tho I'm working on maxing out there's something relaxing about just cutting a tree. I was so excited the day when I saw the Elder trees were released, and now that there are the porters from divination, you don't really have to leave, until you need to find a new tree since Elders are slow to respawn.

Ah, yeah woodcutting is a great one. I like that you've kept it your favorite skill since the beginning.  Also, with augmented crystal hatchets you can train invention too and you can also get birds nest for farming our own trees. It's good stuff haha.

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