Member-Hosted Events: A Temporary Solution

Member-Hosted Events

You can host your very own events!

Yes, it's officially a thing!

As you may remember from a couple months ago in @Downfall's post here, he spoke of granting members the ability to host their own events. Since then, this has been mentioned again in @Dazie's post here. Life has been busy off and on since, so in order to keep things in Surreal moving forward, I have set up a temporary solution for this with assistance from @Kermen and @Nick, conveniently integrated right here on our forum! Biggrin

As usual, feedback is very appreciated. Read on to find out more!

Member-Hosted Events: The Details

Each time you want to host an event, you have to fill out the Surreal Event Form. The event form should be fairly straightforward, but there is a lot of info on it, so please reply if there's any questions smile Where can you find the event form? We'll get to that Wink but first, I need to address something on the event form, and explain the process after event submission.

The world: This is auto-filled in as 46 (our homeworld), so unless your event isn't on 46, you can skip over this. Yay for convenience!

The event banner: This is the only non-mandatory field on the event form. The reason for this is not everyone knows how to get images to specific dimensions, and if you're one of those people, please don't let that field stress you out - just skip over it and we'll substitute an event banner for you after you submit your event smile I had thought of taking the field out, but I wanted those who are knowledgeable to have that option open for their events.

After you click 'Submit My Event' your event automatically appears in the Pending Events forum, where it will be looked over by staff within 24 hours of it being submitted, and you can edit your event post within this time if you need to. If there are any questions or issues, you will contacted on discord, in game, or on the forums. Events that have been approved will move to the Approved Events forum, and the event will be set up with the information you have submitted.


If you have other questions, please post them in the replies!

Why would my event not be approved?

These are the current known reasons, to give you an idea:
  1. Two events are scheduled for the same day and same time. If this happens, the first event would take priority. The second event wouldn't necessarily be turned down, it'd just need to be rescheduled if the event host wishes to reschedule it. All they would have to do is leave a reply on their event thread with the revised date and/or time.
  2. The event may not pull adequate attendance for it. For example, I would not consider Surreal to be a heavy PvM clan by any means, so events such as Nex, Corporeal Beast, etc... would likely not be approved. Easier bosses such as KBD, Giant Mole, all in GWD1, and such... might be approved.

Who can host events?

Anyone ranked Active Member (Sergeant) or above, to make it a privilege that you have to earn, without seeming out of reach (only a minimum of 400 activity points is needed). New Member (Recruit) and Member (Corporal) can't even access the event form page. However, this rank requirement can easily be adjusted at any time based on feedback from the clan.

I've hosted my event. Where do I send attendance?

A popular option is on discord in our #events channel, use the @Staff tag to notify us. If you don't have discord, you can post attendance on your official event thread in the Events forum. It will be taken care of by staff as soon as possible.

NOTE: Make sure to include if it was a full CC attendance (guests, lobbyists, and alts don't have any impact on this). Standard 30 minute events will have points doubled. However, 60 minute events won't (this is just because we can't do 3 digits).

The Surreal Event Form: Grand Reveal!

This is the moment you've been waiting for! The event form can be found in one of three spots:
  1. There's a link on the main forum page, named 'Host An Event!' (below the 'Events' forum)
  2. You can click 'Post Thread' in the Pending Events forum
  3. Or you can just click the button below!

This looks absolutely amazing Mel!!!! Can't wait to see all the future events clannies have in mind that they wanna host!
Great job all those involved!
[Image: a14l.jpg]
This is very exciting news for all those go-getters out there. Excited to see a few new event ideas pop up. I'll do my best to attend!
This looks well thought out and is great for the clan. I'm excited to see what peeps wanna bring event wise...
Community driven clan!  Good
Yay Mel! Glad to see this coming out and i cannot wait to see what the clannies can put together Biggrin
[Image: pmRHyWO.png]
[Image: user1-dark.png][Image: user1-dark.png]
Feel free to contact me any time about anything Biggrin <3 
Woooooooo!!! Corp coming soon!
Thank you all for the lovely compliments smile I'm so glad to see that this has sparked so much of an excited reaction!

(2020-08-31 16:00:36)Dazie Wrote:  Woooooooo!!! Corp coming soon!

If you did submit that please show me the discussion, or just let me know that you arranged it with some clannies. Otherwise I'll probably have to be mean and decline it, and I really don't want to Tongue it's not who I am!
[Image: GpJL.png]

[Image: GVO3.png]
(2020-08-31 17:32:53)Lady Spyra Wrote:  Thank you all for the lovely compliments smile I'm so glad to see that this has sparked so much of an excited reaction!

(2020-08-31 16:00:36)Dazie Wrote:  Woooooooo!!! Corp coming soon!

If you did submit that please show me the discussion, or just let me know that you arranged it with some clannies. Otherwise I'll probably have to be mean and decline it, and I really don't want to Tongue it's not who I am!
My cheerios would disagree ma'am.

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