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Hey guys. I'm new to this community, a skiller myself although I don't meet the requirements just yet (~400 overall, lol). Just think I'll lurk around the forum until I meet 1700 overall hehe. I filled out the template, too.

Runescape Name: Rng By Lamps
Real-life name/nickname: Brad
Age: 17
Country: England
Describe yourself in one word: Swagga

What got you started playing Runescape?: Friends invited me in a Year 7 ICT Class. Got interested and it took off from there.
Favorite Movie: Loads, one that sticks out is 'Training Day'.
Occupation: Student at a Sixth Form.
Other language(s): A bit of Spanish, lived there for a bit.
Hobbies/talents: Sports, ICT, Graphics (especially Photoshop).

Glad to be a part of this community! Yu
Hi, how long are you playin?
Contact me ingame: Smith Master smile
Welcome to the forums, hope to see you around. smile
(2011-01-10 18:46:21)Smith Wrote:  Hi, how long are you playin?
Contact me ingame: Smith Master smile

I've been playing for years, this is just a new account of mine haha. I'll add you for sure, I'm a bit lonely on my own smile

(2011-01-10 19:06:44)Nicholas Wrote:  Welcome to the forums, hope to see you around. smile

Thank you!
Hey, welcome to Surreal smile
[Image: rawries.png]
feel free to add me ~ a white box + welcome to forums =3
Welcome to the forums, hope you'll have a good time.
Welcome to Surreal Brad Biggrin
It do what it do.

Hello smile
[Image: Vf5Ok.png]
[Image: k00kmf.png]
Welcome to our forums Brad. Hope you enjoy your stay here.
I'm looking forward to see the progress you make on your skiller too -- Good Luck! smile
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

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