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Ikri - Ikri - 2011-04-19

Runescape Name: Ikri
Real-life name/nickname: Ikri
Age: 21
Country: West coast of USA.
Describe yourself in one word: Whimsical.

What got you started playing Runescape?:
Friend of mine got me into it in 2002. I've since taken a break in 2008 but I'm looking to get back into it. I've always loved skilling and quests!

Favorite Movie: Hedwig and the Angry Inch (Not for kids, but not necessarily exclusively for adults either. It's more for folks open to humorous new ideas of lifestyles.)

Occupation: Avi Student and also Tech for a research organization.
Other language(s): German, English.

Hobbies/talents: Techy stuff, gardening, aviation, art, psychology, yoga. Lotta fun things. smile

RE: Ikri / Dakota5 - Frosty - 2011-04-19

Welcome to the forums, I am sure you remember me Grin

RE: Ikri / Dakota5 - Ikri - 2011-04-19

Oh, shoot. Seems I can't edit my post here.

I just wanted to add that I'm looking more for a community aspect around skills, tasks and quests, rather than who the most macho dumbo is. I've had that clan experience before with a large war clan and honestly that's the only reason I have the combat level I do. After speaking to Frosty, I'm hopeful that Clan Surreal is a place for such an experience. smile
Yes, yes I do remember you! smile

I'd love to attend a clan event. You mentioned as you were running off that you were leaving to attend one. Would it be possible to attend an event even with just an introduction?

RE: Ikri / Dakota5 - Crow - 2011-04-19

Hoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Biggrin

RE: Ikri / Dakota5 - Rebel007 - 2011-04-19

Hey Dakota, thanks for joining us at BA and welcome to Surreal!

Oh and btw, you can edit your posts at the bottom right hand corner.

RE: Ikri / Dakota5 - Meg - 2011-04-19

Hi there Ikri, welcome to Surreal - nice to see you've already attended one of our eventssmile if you need anything feel free to hit one of us staff members up Biggrin

RE: Ikri / Dakota5 - Danny - 2011-04-19

Welcome to the forums.
Hope you enjoy your stay here at Surreal. smile

RE: Ikri / Dakota5 - Dallar - 2011-04-19

Welcome.. Was fun getting down with the BA together.. Good luck Wink

- Dallar

RE: Ikri / Dakota5 - Smith - 2011-04-19

Welcome to the forums!

RE: Ikri / Dakota5 - Ikri - 2011-04-19

Thanks for the warm welcome! Yes, now that my forum account has been accepted I can edit my posts. Yay!

I'd love to attend a more events and hopefully I'll see many of you attending as well. smile

I want to add that, like I told Frosty earlier, today is my first day back. I have a lot to learn to please be patient with me if a newer update or concept to RS just entirely blows my mind as I ask for an explanation.

A couple of real life friends and also community members from Minecraft have recently become RuneScapers and I thought this would be the perfect time to get involved. I'm trying to squeeze my boyfriend into RS, too, but he's pretty involved in Minecraft and Portal 2 right now. We'll see.

Let me know if you have any herblore or crafting items to trade. I miss those quite a bit.

My name on IRC is Ikri and I'd be happy to talk.