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Meet Discounted - Printable Version

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RE: Meet Discounted - Evaluate - 2011-06-01

Welcome back mate! Glad to hear all is well, look forward to seeing you back in our happy clan home smile

RE: Meet Discounted - Lilbod - 2011-06-01

Welcome back Mike. smile

RE: Meet Discounted - xAndrew - 2011-06-01

Welcome back man. I'd love to share some paint with you if you ever get in the Kentucky area.

RE: Meet Discounted - old_jon - 2011-06-02

Hey Mike, nice to meet you. smile

I've seen some competitive paintball on TV, where teams go at each other from different ends of a field that has various "soft objects" strewn around. The team that wins is the team that has the most un-shot members. I love it!

Is that what you do?

RE: Meet Discounted - Discounted - 2011-06-02

Along the lines of that Old_John.

The format we play in is called Race-To. Google it and read about it, it's a quite intense game.

RE: Meet Discounted - Elucin8er - 2011-06-02

Liked the intro mate, good to meet you, hopefully chat more in the cc smile