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Hiiii - mrpurematty - 2011-06-24

Runescape Name:3matty198816
Real-life name/nickname: matthew/matty
Country: england
Describe yourself in one word: shy Wub

What got you started playing Runescape?: was the only game i didnt finish in a month so i got hooked dam you rs
Favorite Movie: avatar
Occupation: part time job
Other language(s): drunk
Hobbies/talents: football [the real 1 Angry2 ] chess and pokemon master!

RE: Hiiii - Danny - 2011-06-24

Quote:What got you started playing Runescape?: was the only game i didnt finish in a month so i got hooked dam you rs

Better get working then.
Also, nice to see you making an introduction smile Hope you enjoy your stay here!

RE: Hiiii - AlchemyHawk - 2011-06-24

Hey there, welcome to Surreal Matthew! Biggrin
Nic stats you have. Tongue

RE: Hiiii - Crow - 2011-06-24


RE: Hiiii - old_jon - 2011-06-24

Hello Matty! Very nice to have you with us. Good

From you're introduction I can tell you're going to fit in well, with your sence of humour and interests. Grin

RE: Hiiii - Shay - 2011-06-24

Hey Matty, welcome to Surreal! Please make yourself comfortable and let us know if you need anything. ^_^

RE: Hiiii - Meg - 2011-06-25

Hiya Matty and welcome to Surreal, hope you enjoy it here Biggrin

RE: Hiiii - Evaluate - 2011-06-25

Dang it, another person with stats higher than me...Tongue

Welcome to Surreal, hope you enjoy your stay.

RE: Hiiii - Lexy - 2011-06-25

Glad to finally see you made an intro you noobaloob!
Love you Matty Wub

RE: Hiiii - Crow - 2011-06-25
