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Runescape Name:3matty198816
Real-life name/nickname: matthew/matty
Country: england
Describe yourself in one word: shy Wub

What got you started playing Runescape?: was the only game i didnt finish in a month so i got hooked dam you rs
Favorite Movie: avatar
Occupation: part time job
Other language(s): drunk
Hobbies/talents: football [the real 1 Angry2 ] chess and pokemon master!
Quote:What got you started playing Runescape?: was the only game i didnt finish in a month so i got hooked dam you rs

Better get working then.
Also, nice to see you making an introduction smile Hope you enjoy your stay here!
Hey there, welcome to Surreal Matthew! Biggrin
Nic stats you have. Tongue
[Image: 7gfS0.png]
[Image: W_aldo.png]

"If everybody helps his neighbour then who needs help?"

Member of the Year - Member of the Month - TOTM Winner - Fight for Surreal's Top Skiller

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Hello Matty! Very nice to have you with us. Good

From you're introduction I can tell you're going to fit in well, with your sence of humour and interests. Grin
What is the point of being an adult , if you can't be childish sometimes.
--Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor

Hey Matty, welcome to Surreal! Please make yourself comfortable and let us know if you need anything. ^_^
Hiya Matty and welcome to Surreal, hope you enjoy it here Biggrin
Dang it, another person with stats higher than me...Tongue

Welcome to Surreal, hope you enjoy your stay.
[Image: evaluate-staff.png] 
Have a question? My PM is always ON.
Glad to finally see you made an intro you noobaloob!
Love you Matty Wub
[Image: FV39kOB.gif]
[Image: Pokemon_logo___Umbreon_by_PrinzeBur.gif]

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