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Lazy in a nutshell - Lazy Chaote - 2010-10-30

Runescape Name: Lazy Chaote
Real-life name/nickname: Ben - though I do prefer Lazy ingame =P
Age: 19
Country: Australia (Melb)
Describe yourself in one word: Esoteric

What got you started playing Runescape?: I've been playing for at least six years, back in classic. God knows I can barely remember creating the account, let alone why. I've quit a half-dozen times yet can never seem to stay away, and at the moment I'm working rather diligently collecting supplies for the grind up to 99 slayer.
Occupation: Studying Philosophy/Comparative Religion via correspondence = multi-task capability. A lot of the time I spend online I'm studying simultaneously. =P
Other language(s): Hungarian
Hobbies/talents: Pianist, MTG player/collector, experienced chemognostician.. I do quite a lot of things, actually. Talk to me and find out smile

NB: I play RS as a DIY (Do it yourself) player, which limits my use of the exchange. For this reason, I may or may not have supplies for spontaneous events - my apologies if I cannot attend an event for this reason.

RE: Lazy in a nutshell - Downfall - 2010-10-30

Hey Ben, intriguing introduction smile Thumbs up for being able to study and play Runescape at the same time, definitely a pro! What's the role of a chemognostician? It sounds complicated :o

RE: Lazy in a nutshell - Lazy Chaote - 2010-10-30

As much as I'd love to explain it, I feel that every time I do I'm breaching some form of rule. Perhaps I could invite you to give it a quick search on Google? I'm sure you'll find more than enough information, including why I'm hesitant to disclose its details here. xD

RE: Lazy in a nutshell - wrathofkev - 2010-10-30

Esoteric - Intended for or understood by only a particular group
i am very confused...

chemognosticism is magic? really?? sigh...
its like...that thing off of "the skeleton key" movie, which is my favorite movie :p. only a lot like it but a lot different..well its a like in the way you have to believe for it to sure every story has 2 sides..but its evil none the less even if you dont use it in an evil way...but you never know...i'll pray for you....and myself because im going to a halloween party as a sexy french maid...and i spent about $125 on my amazing costume...and im going to a gay bar with my

and now i see where you get esoteric..

off that note.

you should play some piano for us and post it here smile i play piano too, but im not that good...atleased i dont think im that good.

RE: Lazy in a nutshell - Lazy Chaote - 2010-10-30

Remember, guns are not inherently evil - it depends on the intent of the person wielding one.

Same goes for chemognostics. The intent of the practitioner makes all the difference in the world..

Here's some food for thought. Shamans and medicine-men have used psychoactive herbs for millennia in order to achieve a trance state for various purposes. Would you consider such an act 'evil' if the intent was to save said shaman's tribe from a plague or infestation?

RE: Lazy in a nutshell - wrathofkev - 2010-10-30

(2010-10-30 02:02:01)Lazy Chaote Wrote:  Remember, guns are not inherently evil - it depends on the intent of the person wielding one.

Same goes for chemognostics. The intent of the practitioner makes all the difference in the world..

Here's some food for thought. Shamans and medicine-men have used psychoactive herbs for millennia in order to achieve a trance state for various purposes. Would you consider such an act 'evil' if the intent was to save said shaman's tribe from a plague or infestation?

I love guns...and i love shooting things...especially poor little bunny rabbits...and i know someone out there has to do it, BECAUSE THEY TASTE SO YUMMY!!!! i like to learn about every way of life. because even if its against my beliefs. i, and everyone, can learn a thing or 2 from it.

my only question...for now anyway
is there a race that primarily goes with chemognosticism

RE: Lazy in a nutshell - Lazy Chaote - 2010-10-30

Quote:i like to learn about every way of life. because even if its against my beliefs. i, and everyone, can learn a thing or 2 from it.

^^ This made me happy. smile I wholeheartedly agree!

A race? I wouldn't say so.. the concept has been around for thousands of years, but the term was only created in conjunction with the formation of the system Chaos Magick in the late 1900's. I have met a number of Chaotes of various ethnicities.

RE: Lazy in a nutshell - wrathofkev - 2010-10-30

(2010-10-30 02:09:57)Lazy Chaote Wrote:  
Quote:i like to learn about every way of life. because even if its against my beliefs. i, and everyone, can learn a thing or 2 from it.

^^ This made me happy. smile I wholeheartedly agree!

A race? I wouldn't say so.. the concept has been around for thousands of years, but the term was only created in conjunction with the formation of the system Chaos Magick in the late 1900's. I have met a number of Chaotes of various ethnicities.

is chemognosticism a "way of life" or a religion, or both? and which do you follow it? because...Christianity is my religion, but not my way of life...mainly because i was born into it.

i cant get to know all about chemognosticism just from wikipedia and other sourses..thers a lot of information. what do you most strongly believe in chemognosticism? and what do you think is total bs? :p i wanna look into those.

RE: Lazy in a nutshell - Lazy Chaote - 2010-10-30

Neither. As a Chaote, I place very high value on /utility/. Perhaps an example..

Generally, people of various degrees of involvement in their religion are tied to a single religion. Regardless of whether they are actively involved in religious service or performing a mundane task, their religion and, to a lesser degree, their belief system or /paradigm/ remains the same.

As a Chaote, I value my flexibility of belief, as I am constantly evolving, transmuting and often simply changing my paradigm to suit the occasion or provide the highest utility.

When I go camping alone, I lean towards an Animistic paradigm, for company and security. When I engage in philosophical discussion, more often than not I'll simply adopt the opposite position of the others involved, to better stimulate discussion and introspective thought.

In summary, I consider myself a constant work in progress, as I constantly strive to learn about new paradigms and belief systems, evolve my own paradigms and practice implementing the most appropriate paradigm for the current situation, ie. the one that provides the most utility.

Perhaps a little more convoluted than I expected, but props if you managed to follow and understand that! smile

RE: Lazy in a nutshell - wrathofkev - 2010-10-30

(2010-10-30 02:24:00)Lazy Chaote Wrote:  Neither. As a Chaote, I place very high value on /utility/. Perhaps an example..

Generally, people of various degrees of involvement in their religion are tied to a single religion. Regardless of whether they are actively involved in religious service or performing a mundane task, their religion and, to a lesser degree, their belief system or /paradigm/ remains the same.

As a Chaote, I value my flexibility of belief, as I am constantly evolving, transmuting and often simply changing my paradigm to suit the occasion or provide the highest utility.

When I go camping alone, I lean towards an Animistic paradigm, for company and security. When I engage in philosophical discussion, more often than not I'll simply adopt the opposite position of the others involved, to better stimulate discussion and introspective thought.

In summary, I consider myself a constant work in progress, as I constantly strive to learn about new paradigms and belief systems, evolve my own paradigms and practice implementing the most appropriate paradigm for the current situation, ie. the one that provides the most utility.

Perhaps a little more convoluted than I expected, but props if you managed to follow and understand that! smile

heres what i got from it...
that its not a way of life. or a religion. its simply trying to understand things and finding a way to understand them. and being flexible (you like that word) to be able to try to see from another persons prospective.

what are some things you disbelieve. and things you believe strongly?

heres mine for Christianity i strongly believe "the normal stuff" that He died on the cross for our sins etc etc im sure you've heard it a thousand times. and i believe prayer works, if you accept it. (hey, sounds kinda like, you have to believe for it to work. i think thats in everything) and i think it is total BS that one of my church pastors said he had visions of being in HELL and other stupid bull shit and i think its total BS that jona was in a whale...and all those other dumb things. but i do believe the...dang the word left my embarrassing. the morals the story; the things it teaches...god i hate it when that happens...

another thing i want to know, go DEEP into your paradigm (woo i used a big word, correctly i hope!) and what are some things that you strongly believe.

the thing is...every religion does that...if you are truly a "insert religion/belief/PARADIGM (there i go again)/ or way of life here" then you will be flexible and accept others "insert bla bla again here (hehe, paradigm)" then you can understand the other person point of view. so to be honest, you havent told me much about chemognosticism. you just told me about what understanding is.

I'm really trying to grasp this...heehee!!! paradigm! because i have heard nothing of it in my entire whole 16 years being on earth...woo such a long time...sigh...i wish i was older.