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hello, my name is... - Printable Version

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hello, my name is... - shademurdrer - 2011-09-11

Runescape Name:Shademurdrer! (Shadey)
Real-life name/nicknameShoutrant
Describe yourself in one word: Haahhahahahahhahahahaaaahaha

What made you start playing runescapeShoutest buddy played
Favorite Movie:Ohh. Tough one. Its a tie between like.. 5.
Occupation: I make people fat with my delicious masterpieces.
Other language(s):pffbt.
Hobbies/talents:...Jack of all trades. I'm good at whatever I do. In real life, I'm a professional adventurist for my jollies.

RE: hello, my name is... - shademurdrer - 2011-09-11

sooooooooooooooo.. who am i talking to to get started, mm?

RE: hello, my name is... - TJPAB - 2011-09-11

Chica chica chica slim shadey! Hey :]

When there's events next week go to them! You need 2 attendance points then you can apply for full member Tongue. Not really anything this weekend because of bonus ex pees.

Is hahaha a word? Who knows.

RE: hello, my name is... - shademurdrer - 2011-09-11

(2011-09-11 19:44:41)TJPAB Wrote:  Chica chica chica slim shadey! Hey :]

When there's events next week go to them! You need 2 attendance points then you can apply for full member Tongue. Not really anything this weekend because of bonus ex pees.

Is hahaha a word? Who knows.

tj! idk when our events are, if you could pm me later with the times i'd very much appreciate it ^^

RE: hello, my name is... - TJPAB - 2011-09-11

It'll be under the "Events" forum. None listed yet, but it'll probably be updated in the next couple days. I'll let you know when they are in game too don't worry :].

RE: hello, my name is... - BrokenDolly - 2011-09-11

You're a cook? AWESOME!

Welcome to the clan Tongue

Events are always updated on Sundays it seems. Staff is extremely organized.

RE: hello, my name is... - Shay - 2011-09-11

Welcome to Surreal, Brant! And yeah, as TJ and Dolly have said, events are usually updated on Sunday/Monday of every week, so stay tuned! We look forward to seeing you attend, if you can make it. ^_^ Enjoy your stay with us and let us know if you have any other questions!

RE: hello, my name is... - Lilbod - 2011-09-11

Hello Brant, welcome to Surreal. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

RE: hello, my name is... - Evaluate - 2011-09-12

Welcome to Surreal, Brant, enjoy your stay!

RE: hello, my name is... - Tay - 2011-09-12

Welcome Shadey Grin Enjoy your time at Surreal. I look forward to meeting you properly!