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Legends are born from babies - Printable Version

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Legends are born from babies - Clooth - 2010-11-01

Sup everybody.

My name is Nico, I'm a 20 year old web developer / procrastinator from Finland.

I've recently gotten back into RuneScape, meaning I will be playing whenever I have time. I am fully employed, which means that 8 hours of my day is wasted on sitting at the computer and smashing the keyboard with every limb on my body to produce something that I don't really give a flying foobar about, but I will try to be as active on RS as I humanly and physically can.

My favourite color is white, I am the founder of the runescape site, and I am in love with the most beautiful girl in the world.



RE: Hi - Meg - 2010-11-01

Hiya Nico, I remember seeing in #su channel when I was a member there smile great to see you here Biggrin

RE: Hi - Jos - 2010-11-01

I've been told I could get cookies here, but haven't seen any yet.

So I'll just welcome you to Surreal

RE: Hi - Tay - 2010-11-01

Oh, it's you!

Welcome to Surreal mate. Glad to see you've rediscovered an interest in RuneScape again! Wub

RE: Wharrgarrbhll... - Clooth - 2010-11-01

No cookies here, sorry.

Thanks for the welcomes! I will make sure all of you will suffer as much as I will. smile

RE: Wharrgarrbhll... - Downfall - 2010-11-01

[Image: chocolate-chip-cookie-great1.jpg]

Cookie for you!!!!!!! Biggrin Welcome to Surreal Clooth, you pro! Wub

RE: Wharrgarrbhll... - Jos - 2010-11-01

Can.. I.. have.. that.. COOKIE

RE: Wharrgarrbhll... - Domino Dice - 2010-11-01

Oh noes the Finnish are invading. Welcome to the forums.

RE: Wharrgarrbhll... - Clooth - 2010-11-02

The Finnish are always invading, beware of the force.

RE: Wharrgarrbhll... - Krady - 2010-11-05

damn comon downfall never got me a cookie
this guy must be pertyy awesome smile

Welcome to Surreal