Legends are born from babies
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Sup everybody.

My name is Nico, I'm a 20 year old web developer / procrastinator from Finland.

I've recently gotten back into RuneScape, meaning I will be playing whenever I have time. I am fully employed, which means that 8 hours of my day is wasted on sitting at the computer and smashing the keyboard with every limb on my body to produce something that I don't really give a flying foobar about, but I will try to be as active on RS as I humanly and physically can.

My favourite color is white, I am the founder of the runescape site draynor.net, and I am in love with the most beautiful girl in the world.


Hiya Nico, I remember seeing in #su channel when I was a member there smile great to see you here Biggrin
I've been told I could get cookies here, but haven't seen any yet.

So I'll just welcome you to Surreal
Oh, it's you!

Welcome to Surreal mate. Glad to see you've rediscovered an interest in RuneScape again! Wub
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
No cookies here, sorry.

Thanks for the welcomes! I will make sure all of you will suffer as much as I will. smile
[Image: chocolate-chip-cookie-great1.jpg]

Cookie for you!!!!!!! Biggrin Welcome to Surreal Clooth, you pro! Wub
You are no better than anyone else, and no one is better than you.
Can.. I.. have.. that.. COOKIE
Oh noes the Finnish are invading. Welcome to the forums.
The Finnish are always invading, beware of the force.
damn comon downfall never got me a cookie
this guy must be pertyy awesome smile

Welcome to Surreal

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