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Hi Hi Everyone = ) - Sleepyflower - 2011-12-23

Runescape Name: Sgrplumfairy (until 12/27 then back to sleepyflower)
Real-life name/nickname: Michelle/Mico
Country: United States
Describe yourself in one word: Caring

What made you start playing runescape: Started playing w/ my kiddos
Favorite Movie: I don't have one ... not much of a movie person
Occupation: Para educator working w/ special need students (But in college and will have my master’s finished end of May 2012, then hopefully I will find a better paying job… if not on to sign language interpreter school for another 2 years. )
Other language(s): Sign Language
Hobbies/talents: Reading (Not so much for leisure atm due to college), poetry, outdoors/beaches/camping, family, RS, chilling @ home, my bunnies (all 5 of them) ummmm volunteering and I love photography. = )

Wanna know anything else, just ask! = )

RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - Cassie - 2011-12-23

Welcome! We work in similar circles (I'm a speech pathologist/therapist, whatever you call it over there!) and work with adults and children with special needs. I'm no good at sign languge and have tried my hand at BSL a bit! Perhaps I can learn from you smile looking forward to meeting you!

RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - Meg - 2011-12-23

You both are amazing to me Wub My 6yr old son has Autistic Spectrum Disorder and possible ADHD although not medicated even though paediatrician recommended it - have tried diet control (Feingold Diet) but no improvements so medication might end up being the way to go, he has speech therapy/occupational therapy and possibly looking into behavioural therapy in the upcoming year - I have so much respect for what you both do Wub

Anyway enough of my rambling! Welcome to Surreal Michelle and I hope you enjoy it here as much as I have Biggrin

oh that reminds me, I know how to sign the alphabet thats about as far as my knowledge of sign language goes smile

RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - Heather - 2011-12-23

Hello there Michelle smile I respect anyone that works in your line of work, and sign language thats amazing smile I tried to learn before but I am do bad at remembering it Sad

RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - Nick - 2011-12-23

Hey there Michelle. I had a feeling like you guys would want to check out this clan. Good luck and I look forward to meeting you and your husband more soon.

RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - Downfall - 2011-12-23

Hi Michelle smile Welcome to Surreal. You seem to do a lot of good for people, which I respect. I'm sure a lot of people are grateful for what you do <3 Have a great stay and let me know if you have any questions.

RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - Wendy - 2011-12-23

[Image: hello-hi-137.gif]
HI Michelle , welcome to you hope you have a wonderful time in Surreal

RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - AlchemyHawk - 2011-12-23

Haha you should not feel bad about being old, there are lots of different ages in Surreal!
Welcome to the clan. Biggrin I wish I knew sign language!

RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - Shay - 2011-12-23

Welcome to Surreal, Michelle! I have mad respect for what you do in your line of work. Thank you for all the effort you put into your job. ^_^ I haven't had the chance to meet you in-game yet, but from what I hear, you're quite awesome! Can't wait to talk to you more. <3

Let us know if you have any questions and enjoy your stay!

RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - Witch - 2011-12-23

Hey and welcome! smile