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Meet Jovan - Jovan - 2012-05-19

Runescape Name: I_Hit_Too
Real-life name/nickname: Jovan
Age: 18
Country: London - England
Describe yourself in one word: Hench

What made you start playing runescape: It was really just killing things i guess haha Tongue
Favorite Movie: The Day After Tomorrow/ The Avengers
Occupation: Part time security guard at a wedding paler in Tottenham (Not the nicest part of london) Full time student studying IT
Other language(s): I was born in Serbia and raised in London, I speak Both Serbian and English Biggrin
Hobbies/talents: I'm pretty good at CoD, pretty much im really good at Call of duty. I play table tennis at college and im half decent, i love going cinema with the guys and talking to the girls. I do get the drink around going with friends and stupid things happen Tongue

RE: Meet Jovan - AlchemyHawk - 2012-05-20

The Avengers! Wub
Welcome to the clan Jovan. Biggrin

RE: Meet Jovan - Evaluate - 2012-05-20

Welcome to Surreal, Jovan, enjoy your stay, and let us know if you have any questions.

Also, I approve of your Avengers choice, and my Avatar/Sig prove. Tongue

RE: Meet Jovan - Shaken - 2012-05-20

The Day After Tomorrow <3

Hello there Jovan Biggrin I think COD is easy after no-lifing it for 4 years lol

RE: Meet Jovan - Downfall - 2012-05-20

Hey Jovan, welcome to Surreal Biggrin Awesome to see that you've applied! What things are you learning in IT at the moment? Unfortunately I can't comment on your movie choices because I haven't watched either of them Sad

But still, have a great stay and let us know if we can help with anything clan-related.

RE: Meet Jovan - Angus - 2012-05-20

Hello Jovan smile

RE: Meet Jovan - Witch - 2012-05-20

Hey and welcome! smile

RE: Meet Jovan - old_jon - 2012-05-21

Hello Jorvan and welcome to Clan Surreal! Bye

Nice to have you with us. By the looks of your introduction, it would be nice having you on our side in a fight too. Good

Haven't seen The Avengers yet. I really want to. Sad

RE: Meet Jovan - Jovan - 2012-05-21

If you haven't watched The Avengers you really should, its one movie i highly recommoned watching. I simply study BTEC IT its just a lot course work and very little practical, its highly boring but hey it could lead to a nice job. And i've been playing Call of Duty for a very long time i'd say i started playing Mid CoD4 so i know what im doing smile

If you've got any questions about me, feel free to ask im more or less a open person and nothing really shocks me.