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Hey, Charles here ;) - Printable Version

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Hey, Charles here ;) - Charles - 2013-06-04

Runescape Name: Jolly Sigil

Real-life name/nickname: Charles, Charlie, Chuck or your majesty King2; anything anyone wants to call me I guess smile

Age: 20 right now, 21 in July. Good

Country: US of America

Describe yourself in one two words: Laid back smile

What made you start playing runescape: I'd have to say hearing about it at school.. Started back around 02-03 I think, played on-and-off for a long time and now I'm just getting back into it. I always played for the community aspect, and the simplicity of the game. I hate having to stay 100% focused all the time, and RS lets me stray on other things while playing. Something to note, I ran a succesful clan for a couple of years, best times of my RS career.

Favorite Movie: How bout a few?.. Gamer, Law Abiding Citizen, The Hangover Pt.1&2, all of the Fast & Furious movies and a bunch other. Comedy/Action/Drama/Thriller are the genres that I'd have to say I'm into!

Occupation: Tech manager at a local computer/tech repair shop. Taking classes for cooking & welding right now. Cooking classes are for myself, as cooking is something I love. Welding is for a future career path I plan to take in a few years when it's time.

Other language(s): None.. nothing at all Boredom

Hobbies/talents: Small amounts of coding experience, experience in building and repairing computers, as-well as overclocking and the such. As I stated above I'm a great cook and learning to weld. Oh, I play for our local mens Baseball team too! Me & Baseball = Wub

So guys and gals, that's me! Hope ya like and if not oh well! Any questions? Don't hesitate to ask!

RE: Hey, Charles here ;) - Oberst - 2013-06-04

Welcome, Your Majesty.

RE: Hey, Charles here ;) - old_jon - 2013-06-04

Hello Chad (you missed that one! Tongue). May I call you "late for dinner"? Lol I crack myself up!

Welcome to clan surreal. I hope you enjoy your stay.

I enjoyed reading your introduction too. You are a very interesting person: baseball playing, IT geek, chef! Good

RE: Hey, Charles here ;) - Angus - 2013-06-04

Hey Charles smile

RE: Hey, Charles here ;) - Bowlinmaster - 2013-06-04

Baseball and Fast & Furious..... I approve Grin Welcome to the forums

RE: Hey, Charles here ;) - Wader - 2013-06-04

Welcome to Surreal, Charles smile

RE: Hey, Charles here ;) - Killians - 2013-06-04

Hey Charlie, now what you should have said was *clears throat*
"... You can call me ..... *pulls out shades* anytime ......." yeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

Ignore Old Jon, and welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your stay. Feel free to add and ask me anyquestions

RE: Hey, Charles here ;) - Blur - 2013-06-04

Welcome aboard the S.S. Surreal. Hope you like the looks of our clan, join, and feel as welcome as the rest of us smile

RE: Hey, Charles here ;) - Dave - 2013-06-04

I'm gonna call you C Note from now on.

RE: Hey, Charles here ;) - Jordan - 2013-06-04

Hey there Charles