(2011-05-23 04:34:57)AlchemyHawk Wrote: I am confused how this works, with the different forms and teams... :s
I just want to be able to do some DG with friends so I can get actual exp. Maybe I filled the wrong form?
Runescape Name: Crxc
Dungeoneering Level: 58
Max Floor: 26
Time zone: EST
Preferred days: Saturdays/Sundays
Well hawky, I'll add you to the list of available players. Mostly this thread is to show which teams are available and for people to join the teams or show that they are available should a team need more.
I'll let you know when I'm doing some dungeoneering since you're in the same bracket as the people I'm searching for anyways
And thank you all for the positive feedback
(2011-05-23 04:12:48)Rebel007 Wrote: Very good thread, very well laid out. But you should add a line about the Shadow Silk Hood. Ie; I have SSH or I would prefer if other members had the SSH.
Thanks for the idea simon