Putting together a Vorago team for day of release
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Hey guys, I'm currently putting together a team for when the new boss comes out. Gonna need lots of people, so post below if you want me to add you into the team, and if you have any friends that would like to join, let me know aswell, since we'll have to do a mass to actually be able to kill it the first couple of times. Tongue
We'll be using my fc for the mass.

Current team size: 12

The boss is supposed to come out on TUESDAY, so make sure to sign up before then Tongue

People from the clan signed up so far (just as reference):

- Me
- Joey
- Fear
- Clifford
- Salv
- Dregg
- Anguth (Angus is the coolest <333)
- Glaco
- Lexi <3
- #2 Jord
What time zone you thinking? I work from 0600 to 1700 GMT.
[Image: whid1.gif]
m8 im down. so... dis vorago or viagra or w.e. is going DOWNQ$!@$!@%!@!@

inb4 1st drop is the mage weapon, gf bils for us Biggrin
(2013-06-29 13:20:26)Clifford Wrote:  What time zone you thinking? I work from 0600 to 1700 GMT.

Honestly I was looking into making a team large enough up to the point where we could stay all day there, while some left others joined. Like a proper 24/7 mass.

If it works properly you could join whenever you're free Tongue
[Image: d9XeE71336709893.gif]

[Image: SRL_Fear.png][Image: fear.png]

[Image: k2o37l.jpg]
Yeah sounds pretty awesome in that case; I'm in.
[Image: whid1.gif]
Hopefully by the end of recruiting on here and around my friendslist there should be 20+ people.

There's a lot of gp to be made so, it should be fun.
What combat style are people going to be taking? I'm assuming magic will probably be the most effective on the boss.
[Image: d9XeE71336709893.gif]

[Image: SRL_Fear.png][Image: fear.png]

[Image: k2o37l.jpg]
honestly i dont know, most likely drygores.
On the BTS video you can see they use all 3 types of combat, so I'm guessing a tribrid approach would work wonders. I'll be personally using Torva/Drygores

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