2011-12-23 02:53:27
Runescape stuff
*RS Name: Beg 4 Splits
*Total level: 2341
*Country or Timezone: PST (USA)
IRC Nickname: Walterc69
*Full screenshot of your Runescape account saying "S R L <3" in the chatbox [You do not have to press enter!]
All that cool stuff...
*Your favorite RS activity/skill: Boss Hunting / Dungeoneering
*Who or what brought you to Surreal?: Looking for a clan that has more variety to it than just wars, and a clan that is more active than 2 people showing up for events planned 2 weeks in advance.
*What can you bring to Surreal?: A Friendly attitude, and helpful/welcoming nature.
*Name other clans have you involved yourself with [please be as detailed as you can]:
'The' - long time ago, can't remember much, but got kicked because I lost access to the internet for a month or so.
Wicked Fury - Long time ago as well, can't even remember why I left.
The Gladiatorz - Leadership is horribly inactive along with the rest of the clan members, been in and out 3 times now and quite frankly, nothing has changed since the first time I left.
Higher Force - This was on my tank, and left because community was severely lacking.
Killers~N~Skillers - My wife and I had started this back in 2006, closed due to real life obligations.
By submitting my application I agree that I have thoroughly read and understood all of Surreal's Official Rules and Requirements. I will follow these rules when associating myself in a situation where I am directly involved with Surreal or representing the clan in any way and will accept relevant punishment should I delve away from these rules.
I agree to stay active unless legitimate reasoning is given, to fulfill the requirements of my Provisional application and that I am in compliance with Surreal's multi-clanning rules, and will continue to be. All of the information I have submitted in this application is my own and I am not in association with any real-world trading or botting communities.
*Do you agree to the above statements? [Yes/No]
Other comments: Highlighted yes for rules
*RS Name: Beg 4 Splits
*Total level: 2341
*Country or Timezone: PST (USA)
IRC Nickname: Walterc69
*Full screenshot of your Runescape account saying "S R L <3" in the chatbox [You do not have to press enter!]
All that cool stuff...
*Your favorite RS activity/skill: Boss Hunting / Dungeoneering
*Who or what brought you to Surreal?: Looking for a clan that has more variety to it than just wars, and a clan that is more active than 2 people showing up for events planned 2 weeks in advance.
*What can you bring to Surreal?: A Friendly attitude, and helpful/welcoming nature.
*Name other clans have you involved yourself with [please be as detailed as you can]:
'The' - long time ago, can't remember much, but got kicked because I lost access to the internet for a month or so.
Wicked Fury - Long time ago as well, can't even remember why I left.
The Gladiatorz - Leadership is horribly inactive along with the rest of the clan members, been in and out 3 times now and quite frankly, nothing has changed since the first time I left.
Higher Force - This was on my tank, and left because community was severely lacking.
Killers~N~Skillers - My wife and I had started this back in 2006, closed due to real life obligations.
By submitting my application I agree that I have thoroughly read and understood all of Surreal's Official Rules and Requirements. I will follow these rules when associating myself in a situation where I am directly involved with Surreal or representing the clan in any way and will accept relevant punishment should I delve away from these rules.
I agree to stay active unless legitimate reasoning is given, to fulfill the requirements of my Provisional application and that I am in compliance with Surreal's multi-clanning rules, and will continue to be. All of the information I have submitted in this application is my own and I am not in association with any real-world trading or botting communities.
*Do you agree to the above statements? [Yes/No]
Other comments: Highlighted yes for rules