Hi Hi Everyone = )
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You both are amazing to me Wub My 6yr old son has Autistic Spectrum Disorder and possible ADHD although not medicated even though paediatrician recommended it - have tried diet control (Feingold Diet) but no improvements so medication might end up being the way to go, he has speech therapy/occupational therapy and possibly looking into behavioural therapy in the upcoming year - I have so much respect for what you both do Wub

Anyway enough of my rambling! Welcome to Surreal Michelle and I hope you enjoy it here as much as I have Biggrin

oh that reminds me, I know how to sign the alphabet thats about as far as my knowledge of sign language goes smile

Messages In This Thread
Hi Hi Everyone = ) - by Sleepyflower - 2011-12-23 05:16:38
RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - by Cassie - 2011-12-23 05:32:18
RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - by Meg - 2011-12-23 05:57:04
RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - by Heather - 2011-12-23 06:57:41
RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - by Nick - 2011-12-23 07:06:27
RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - by Downfall - 2011-12-23 07:42:28
RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - by Wendy - 2011-12-23 09:39:14
RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - by AlchemyHawk - 2011-12-23 14:05:22
RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - by Shay - 2011-12-23 15:43:12
RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - by Witch - 2011-12-23 18:01:54
RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - by Wader - 2011-12-23 18:19:59
RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - by Evaluate - 2011-12-23 19:47:42
RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - by TJPAB - 2011-12-23 23:31:34
RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - by deckard - 2011-12-23 23:34:35
RE: Hi Hi Everyone = ) - by Bronagh - 2011-12-24 08:11:39

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