2012-05-29 18:46:12
QBD sounds pretty neat, especially the "single-player" part. I never expected them to make her single player and not a team boss like GWD, DKs, KQ and nearly every other boss. If Jagex said something about it being single playter before I obviously missed or plain didn't read that announcement (tossing this in before some "gotta correct everyone" clan member jumps on my back :p)
Diamond/Cryptic Clue Fest - Never tried one and no plans to ever try one, I basically have been skipping holiday/community events for the last 2 years now. Just an xp-waste and when they do give lamps they're only genie lamps or marginally more exp than a genie lamp... just not worth it for me personally.
Diamond/Cryptic Clue Fest - Never tried one and no plans to ever try one, I basically have been skipping holiday/community events for the last 2 years now. Just an xp-waste and when they do give lamps they're only genie lamps or marginally more exp than a genie lamp... just not worth it for me personally.