2012-08-09 11:19:12
(2012-08-09 06:33:01)Reaping Wrote: You're name isn't Swords Dance anymore Sam haha.
Anyways, freaking pro guide. I'm sure many people will find it plenty helpful.
Haha oh yes. Well just pretend it says Sacred Slay instead.

(2012-08-09 09:28:36)Clifford Wrote: Nice guide; however (no bad points, just a point out and possibly a request)
A) Just do a Ctrl + F because there's a few "[big]" tags lying around
B) To improve it; maybe add what the monsters are weak against?
That aside, I liked the guide and thought it was well presented. Good job. +rep.
Ah yeah I thought I rmeoved them all, will fix that