[Guide] Beginner Slayer Guide

Hey guys. I made this guide while in my last clan. Thought I would repost here. ^^

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Hello everyone! This is Swords Dance, aka Sam and I have put together a guide for all those looking to start slayer. The purpose of this guide is to give help to complete beginners to learn the skill, as well as offer information to some more advanced slayers.

I have been playing Runescape for about 3 years; I can honestly say slayer is my favourite skill. When I was still a new player I remember training slayer all the time in the most inefficient ways. I am hoping this guide can help some players who were like me to start slaying the right way. Please enjoy the guide and give some feedback at the end ^^

Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Why train slayer?
Part 3: The basics of slayer
Part 4: Slayer masters
Part 5: Slayer equipment
Part 6: Slayer Monsters
Part 7: Slayer reward points
Part 8: Useful Skills
Part 9: Useful Quests
Part 10: Equipment
Part 11: Final words

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So why train slayer? There are many reasons:

Slayer is a very respectable skill. If you see someone with 99, you know they had to be dedicated to it.

Currently you only need level 15 to get onto the slayer highscores.

It potentially trains all combat skills to 99, including summoning if you pick up every charm.

There are a variety of monsters with slayer requirements that drop expensive loot.

It is possible to get a 1:1 ratio of slayer to summoning exp. What this means is that if you chose tasks that drop a lot of charms you could manage to get the same summoning exp per hour as slayer.

[Image: 2wp17vt.png]

To keep it simple, slayer involved getting assigned a task, and then completing it. There are 7 slayer masters in Runescape that vary in difficulty and will assign you a set number of monsters to kill as a slayer task.

Let us say for example you are asked to kill 35 Cows. You will get slayer experience for every cow you kill until you have killed the assigned 35. Then you will go back to your Slayer master and get another task. Slayer simply involves doing this, over and over again.
When you kill your slayer task monster you will get a set amount of slayer exp. This is different for every monster but as a rough estimate it is usually around 1/10th of the monster lifepoints.

So what happens if more than one person is fighting the same monster? The player who does most damage will get half the exp, and the player who does the last hit will get half exp. If you do both you get all the exp.

Every slayer master can also sell you slayer related items. These items and there uses will be discussed later in the guide.

[Image: 11blveq.png]

Slayer masters are NPC’s that will assign you slayer tasks. There are currently 7 in game, one of which requires a quest to access. They set tasks that vary in difficulty, and have requirements just to get tasks from them. Each slayer master will give” slayer reward points” after completing the quest “smoking kills”. This will be explained later.

Now lets go into detail about each Slayer master, starting from the easiest:

[Image: md0ad2.png] Name: Turael*
Requirements: None
Location: Burthorpe
Reward points given: None
Tasks assigned: Banshees, Bats, Bears, Birds, Cave Bugs, Cave Crawlers, Cave Slimes, Cows, Crawling Hands, Desert Lizards, Dogs, Dwarves, Ghosts, Goblins, Monkeys, Icefiends, Kalphites, Minotaurs, Scorpions, Skeletons, Spiders, Wolves and Zombies.

[Image: bdtqms.png] Name: Mazchna
Requirements: Combat level 20.
Location: Canifis
Reward points given: 1, 5, 15.
Tasks assigned: Banshees, Bats, Bears, Catablepon, Cave Bugs, Cave Crawlers, Cave Slimes, ****atrice, Crawling Hands, Desert Lizards, Dogs, Earth Warriors, Flesh Crawlers, Ghouls, Ghosts, Hill Giants, Hell Hounds, Ice Warriors, Kalphites, Mogres, Pyrefiends, Rock Slugs, Shades, Skeletons, Vampires, Wall Beasts, Wolves and Zombies.

[Image: 30j0cj8.png] Name: Vannaka
Requirements: Combat level 40.
Location: Edgeville Dungeon
Reward points given: 4, 20, 60.
Tasks assigned: Aberrant Spectres, Ankou, Banshees, Basilisks, Blue Dragons, Bloodveld, Brine Rats, Cave Bugs, Cave Crawlers, Cave Slimes, ****atrices, Crawling Hands, Crocodiles, Dagannoths, Desert Lizards, Dust Devils, Earth Warriors, Fire Giants, Ghouls, Green Dragons, Harpy Bug Swarms, Hell hounds, Hill Giants, Ice Giants, Ice Warriors, Infernal Mages, Jellies, Jungle Horror, Kalphites, Killerwatts, Lesser Demons, Mogres, Moss Giants, Ogres, Otherworldly Beings, Pyrefiends, Rock Slugs, Sea Snakes, Shadow Warriors, Trolls, Turoths, Vampires and Werewolves.

[Image: Chaeldarhead.png] Name: Chaeldar
Requirements: Combat Level 70, Lost City Quest.
Location: Lost City.
Reward points given: 10, 50, 150.
Tasks assigned: Aberrant Spectres, Abyssal Demons, Banshees, Basilisks, Blue Dragons, Bloodveld, Brine Rats, Bronze Dragons, Cave Bugs, Cave Crawlers, Cave Slimes, Cave Horrors, ****atrice, Crawling Hands, Crocodiles, Dagannoths, Desert lizards, Dust Devils, Elves, Fire Giants, Fever Spiders, Gargoyles, Greater Demons, Harpie Bug Swarms, Hell Hounds, Infernal Mages, Iron Dragons, Jellies, Jungle Horrors, Kalphites, Kurasks, Lesser Demons, Morges, Molanisks, Mutated Zygomites, Nechryaels, Pyrefiends, Rock Slugs, Shadow Warriors, Spiritual Mages, Spiritual Warriors, Spiritual Rangers, Trolls, Turoths, Wall Beasts, Werewolves, Warped Terrorbirds and Warped Tortoises.

[Image: Sumona_chat_head.png] Name: Sumona
Requirements: Combat Level 85, Slayer Level 35, Smoking Kills Quest.
Location: Pollivneach
Reward points given: 12, 60, 180.
Tasks assigned: Aberrant Spectres, Abyssal Demons, Aquanites, Banshees, Basilisks, Black Demons, Blue Dragons, Bloodveld, Cave Crawlers, Cave Horrors, Dagannoths, Desert Strykewyrm, Dust Devils, Elves, Fire Giants, Gargoyles, Greater Demons, Hell Hounds, Iron Dragons, Jungle Strykewyrm, Kalphites, Kurask, Nechryael, Red Dragons, Scabarite Minions, Spiritual Mages, Spiritual Warriors, Terror Dogs, Trolls, Turoths and Warped Tortoises.

[Image: Duradel_chathead.png] Name: Duradel*
Requirements: Combat Level 100, Slayer Level 50, Shilo Village Quest.
Location: Shilo Village
Reward points given: 15, 75, 225.
Tasks assigned: Aberrant Spectres, Abyssal Demons, Aquanites, Black Demons, Black Dragons, Bloodveld, Dark Beasts, Desert Strykewyrm, Dust Devils, Fire Giants, Gargoyles, Goraks, greater Demons, Hell Hounds, Ice Strykewyrm, Iron Dragons, Jungle Strykewyrm, Kalphites, Mithril Dragons, Nechryaels, Scabarite Minions, Skeletal Wyverns, Spiritual Mages, Steel Dragons, Suqahs, Warped Terrobirds and Waterfiends.

[Image: Kuradal_chathead.png] Name: Kuradel
Requirements: Combat Level 110, Slayer Level 75.
Location: Ancient Cavern
Reward points given: 18, 90, 270.
Tasks assigned: Aberrant Spectres, Abyssal Demons, Aquanites, Black Dmeons, Black Dragons, Bloodveld, Blue Dragons, Dagannoths, Dark Beasts, Desert Strykewyrm, Dust Devils, Fire Giants, Gargoyles, Greater Demons, Hell Hounds, Ice Strykewyrm, Iron Dragons, Jungle Strykewyrm, Kalphites, Living Rock Creatures, Mithril Dragons, Nechryael, Skeletal Wyverns, Spiritual Mages, Steel Dragons, Suqahs, TzHaar Creatures, Warped Tortoises and Waterfiends.

* After completing the quest “While Guthix Sleeps” Turael and Duradel are replaced by Spira and Lapalok respectively.

[Image: tzec0.png]

A variety of equipment is available to purchase from every slayer master. Some slayer monsters require special items to kill them, and some items are required to survive against them. There is also some gear available to give damage bonuses on slayer tasks. The slayer monsters themselves will be explained in the next section.

Now onto the items:

Name: Enchanted Slayer Gem
Use: Allows you to contact your Slayer master to see how many kills are left for you current assignment.

Name: Mirror Shield
Use: Protection against Basilisks and ****atrice. 20 Defence required to wield.

Name: Leaf Bladed Spear
Use: One of the only items that can damage Turoths and Kurasks.

Name: Broad Arrows
Use: One of the only items that can damage Turoths and Kurasks.

Name: Bag of Salt.
Use: Finishing off Rock Slugs.

Name: Rock Hammer
Use: Finishing off Gargoyles.

Name: Face Mask
Use: Protection against Dust Devils and the environment they are found in.

Name: Earmuffs
Use: Protection against Banshees.

Name: Nose Peg
Use: Protection against Aberrant Spectres.

Name: Slayer Staff
Use: Allowing the use of the Magic Dart spell to kill Turoths and Kurasks.

Name: Spikey Helmet
Use: Protection against Wall Beasts.

Name: Fishing Explosive
Use: Luring Mogres and causing them 150 lifepoints damage.

Name: Ice Cooler
Use: Finishing off Desert Lizards.

Name: Slayer Gloves
Use: Protection against Fever Spiders.

Name: Bug Lantern
Use: Allows you to damage Harpie Bug Swarms.

Name: Insulated Boots
Use: Protection against Killerwatts.

Name: Fungicide Spray
Use: Finishing off Mutated Zygomites.

Name: Fungicide
Use: Used to re-fill Fungicide Spray.

Name: Witchwood Icon
Use: Protection against Cave Horrors.

Name: Slayer Bell
Use: Luring Molanisks.

Name: Broad Tipped Bolts
Use: One of the only items that can damage Turoths and Kurasks.

* By using your slayer reward points you can purchase the ability to create a Slayer Helmet. This will be mentioned in the Reward Point section.

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Not all slayer monsters have a specific item requirement to kill, I will only be covering slayer specific monsters in this section along with their levels, requirements, exp rates and loot.

[Image: 120px-Crawling_Hand.png] Monster: Crawling Hand.
Level: 8, 12.
Slayer Level Required: 5.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 16, 19.
Notable Drops: Dragon Spear.
Weakness: Magic.

[Image: 150px-Cave_Bug.PNG] Monster: Cave Bug.
Level: 6, 98.
Slayer Level Required: 7.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 5, 85.
Notable Drops: Various Herbs.
Weakness: Magic.

[Image: 250px-Cave_crawler_%28lvl_138%29.png] Monster: Cave Crawler.
Level: 23, 138.
Slayer Level Required: 10.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 22, 122.
Notable Drops: Dragon Spear, Shield Left Half, Bronze Boots.
Weakness: Crush, Slash.

[Image: 150px-Banshee.png] Monster: Banshee.
Level: 23, 90.
Slayer Level Required: 15.
Slayer Item Required: Earmuffs.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 22, 85.
Notable Drops: Black Mystic Gloves, Easy Clue Scroll.
Weakness: Slash.

[Image: 150px-Cave_slime.png] Monster: Cave Slime.
Level: 23.
Slayer Level Required: 17.
Slayer Item Required: None
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 25.
Notable Drops: Iron Boots.
Weakness: Magic

[Image: 150px-Rockslug.png] Monster: Rock Slug.
Level: 29.
Slayer Level Required: 20.
Slayer Item Required: Bag of Salt.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 27.
Notable Drops: Gold Mystic Gloves.
Weakness: Slash.

[Image: 300px-Desert_Lizard.PNG] Monster: Desert Lizard.
Level: 12, 24, 42.
Slayer Level Required: 22.
Slayer Item Required: Ice Cooler.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 15, 25, 40.
Notable Drops: Gold Mystic Boots.
Weakness: Magic.

[Image: 170px-Cockatrice.png] Monster: C0ckatrice.
Level: 37.
Slayer Level Required: 25.
Slayer Item Required: Mirror Shield.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 37.
Notable Drops: Gold Mystic Boots, Iron boots.
Weakness: Slash, Magic.

[Image: 80px-Pyrefiend.png] Monster: Pyrefiend.
Level: 43, 48.
Slayer Level Required: 30.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 45, 48.
Notable Drops: Steel Boots.
Weakness: Water Spells, Stab.

[Image: 275px-Mogre.png] Monster: Mogre.
Level: 60.
Slayer Level Required: 32.
Slayer Item Required: Fishing Explosive.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 48.
Notable Drops: Mudskipper Flippers, Mudskipper Hat.
Weakness: Ranged.

[Image: 100px-Harpie_Bugs_Swarm.PNG] Monster: Harpie Bug Swarm.
Level: 46.
Slayer Level Required: 33.
Slayer Item Required: Bug Lantern.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 25.
Notable Drops: Shield Left Half.
Weakness: Crush.

[Image: 180px-Wall_beast.png] Monster: Wall Beast.
Level: 49.
Slayer Level Required: 35.
Slayer Item Required: Spiky Helmet.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 105.
Notable Drops: Gold Mystic Hat.
Weakness: Crush.

[Image: 170px-Killerwatt.png] Monster: Killerwatt.
Level: 55.
Slayer Level Required: 37.
Slayer Item Required: Insulated Boots.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 51.
Notable Drops: Shield Left Half.
Weakness: Melee.

[Image: 130px-Molanisk.png] Monster: Molanisk.
Level: 51.
Slayer Level Required: 39.
Slayer Item Required: Slayer Bell.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 51.
Notable Drops: Mole Claws.
Weakness: Stab.

[Image: 200px-Basilisk.png] Monster: Basilisk.
Level: 61.
Slayer Level Required: 40.
Slayer Item Required: Mirror Shield.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 75.
Notable Drops: Gold Mystic Hat.
Weakness: Crush.

[Image: 125px-Terror_dog.png] Monster: Terror Dog.
Level: 100, 110.
Slayer Level Required: 40.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 85, 89.
Notable Drops: Granite Helmet.
Weakness: Magic, Ranged.

[Image: 230px-Fever_Spider.png] Monster: Fever Spider.
Level: 49.
Slayer Level Required: 42.
Slayer Item Required: Slayer Gloves.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 40.
Notable Drops: None.
Weakness: Slash, Crush.

[Image: 175px-New_infernal_mage2.png]Monster: Infernal Mage.
Level: 68.
Slayer Level Required: 45.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 60.
Notable Drops: Black Mystic Boots, Black Mystic Hat.
Weakness: Ranged.

[Image: 130px-Brine_rat.png] Monster: Brine Rat.
Level: 70.
Slayer Level Required: 47.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 50.
Notable Drops: Brine Sabre.
Weakness: Stab.

[Image: 200px-Bloodveld.png]Monster: Bloodveld.
Level: 76.
Slayer Level Required: 50.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 120.
Notable Drops: Black Boots.
Weakness: Slash, Stab, Ranged.

[Image: 150px-Mutated_bloodveld_146.png] Monster: Mutated Bloodveld.
Level: 120, 146.
Slayer Level Required: 50.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 178, 198.
Notable Drops: Black Boots, Adamant Boots.
Weakness: Stab, Slash, Ranged.

[Image: 200px-Jelly.png] Monster: Jelly.
Level: 78.
Slayer Level Required: 52.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 75.
Notable Drops: Mithril Boots, Rune Full Helm, Hard Clue Scrolls.
Weakness: Crush, Slash.

[Image: Turoth1.png] Monster: Turoth.
Level: 83-89.
Slayer Level Required: 55.
Slayer Item Required: Leaf Bladed Spear/Sword, Broad Arrows/Bolts, Slayer Dart Spell.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 76-81.
Notable Drops: Leaf Bladed Sword, Gold Mystic Robe Bottom.
Weakness: Stab, Ranged.

[Image: 150px-Mutated_zygomite.png] Monster: Mutated Zygomite.
Level: 74, 86.
Slayer Level Required: 57.
Slayer Item Required: Fungicide Spray.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 65, 75.
Notable Drops: Nature Talisman.
Weakness: Slash.

[Image: 250px-Cave_horror.png] Monster: Cave Horror.
Level: 80.
Slayer Level Required: 58.
Slayer Item Required: Witchwood Icon.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 55.
Notable Drops: Black Mask.
Weakness: Ranged, Stab.

[Image: 200px-New_abby_spec.png] Monster: Aberrant Spectre.
Level: 96.
Slayer Level Required: 60.
Slayer Item Required: Nosepeg.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 90.
Notable Drops: Black Mystic Robe Bottom, Lava Battlestaff.
Weakness: Ranged, Slash.

[Image: 100px-Dust_Devil.PNG] Monster: Dust Devil.
Level: 93.
Slayer Level Required: 65.
Slayer Item Required: Facemask.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 105.
Notable Drops: Dragon Chainbody.
Weakness: Ranged, Stab.

[Image: 270px-Kurask2.png] Monster: Kurask.
Level: 106.
Slayer Level Required: 70.
Slayer Item Required: Leaf Bladed Spear/Sword, Broad Arrows/Bolts, Slayer Dart Spell.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 97.
Notable Drops: Gold Mystic Robe Top, Leaf Bladed Sword.
Weakness: Slash.

[Image: 250px-Skeletal_Wyvern.png] Monster: Skeletal Wyvern.
Level: 140.
Slayer Level Required: 72.
Slayer Item Required: Elemental Shield or Dragonfire Shield.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 210.
Notable Drops: Granite Platelegs, Draconic Vissage.
Weakness: Crush.

[Image: 200px-Jungle_Strykewyrm.png] Monster: Jungle Strykewyrm.
Level: 110.
Slayer Level Required: 73.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 110.
Notable Drops: Hexcrest, Elite Clue Scroll.
Weakness: Stab.

[Image: 200px-Gargoyle.png] Monster: Gargoyle.
Level: 111.
Slayer Level Required: 75.
Slayer Item Required: Rock Hammer.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 105.
Notable Drops: Black Mystic Robe Top, Granite Maul.
Weakness: Magic, Crush.

[Image: 250px-Desert_Strykewyrm.png] Monster: Desert Strykewyrm.
Level: 130.
Slayer Level Required: 77.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 120.
Notable Drops: Focus Sight, Elite Clue Scroll.
Weakness: Slash, Ranged.

[Image: 200px-Aquanite.png] Monster: Aquanite.
Level: 114.
Slayer Level Required: 78.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 125.
Notable Drops: Amulet of Ranging.
Weakness: Ranged, Stab.

[Image: 150px-Nechryael.png] Monster: Nechryael.
Level: 115.
Slayer Level Required: 80.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 105.
Notable Drops: Rune Boots.
Weakness: Slash, Crush, Magic.

[Image: 150px-Mutated_jad_baby.png] Monster: Mutated Jadinko Baby.
Level: 90.
Slayer Level Required: 80.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 127.
Notable Drops: Noted logs.
Weakness: Stab, Magic.

[Image: 200px-Grifolaroo.png] Monster: Grifolaroo.
Level: 180.
Slayer Level Required: 82.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 184.
Notable Drops: Grifolic Flake.
Weakness: Earth Spells.

[Image: 70px-Zamorak_spirit_mage.png] Monster: Spiritual Mage.
Level: 120-123.
Slayer Level Required: 83.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 75-106.
Notable Drops: Dragon Boots.
Weakness: Ranged, Crush.

[Image: 250px-Abyssal_demon.png] Monster: Abyssal Demon.
Level: 124.
Slayer Level Required: 85.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 150.
Notable Drops: Abyssal Whip.
Weakness: Magic, Stab.

[Image: 260px-Mutated_jadinko_guard.png] Monster: Mutated Jadinko Guard.
Level: 145.
Slayer Level Required: 86.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 203.
Notable Drops: Whip Vine.
Weakness: Ranged, Stab, Slash.

[Image: 200px-Griflolapine.png] Monster: Grifolapine.
Level: 200.
Slayer Level Required: 88.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 205.
Notable Drops: Grifolic Flake.
Weakness: Magic.

[Image: 220px-Dark_beast.PNG] Monster: Dark Beast.
Level: 180.
Slayer Level Required: 90.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 220.
Notable Drops: Dark Bow.
Weakness: Slash, Stab.

[Image: 150px-Ice_strykewyrm.png] Monster: Ice Strykewyrm.
Level: 220.
Slayer Level Required: 93.
Slayer Item Required: Fire Cape.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 300.
Notable Drops: Staff of Light.
Weakness: Fire Spells.

[Image: 200px-Ganodermic_Beast.png] Monster: Ganodermic Beast.
Level: 280.
Slayer Level Required: 95.
Slayer Item Required: None.
Slayer Exp Per Kill: 263.
Notable Drops: Ganodermic Flake, Polypore Stick.
Weakness: Fire Spells.

[Image: vrpmdh.png]

Slayer reward points become available after completing the quest Smoking Kills. Each slayer master excluding Turael will give a standard slayer point reward for each task, and a bonus on every 10th and 50th task. For example Kuradel will give you 18 points every task, and 90 for every 10th task followed by 270 for every 50th task. After saving up these points you can purchase rewards form your Slayer Master:

Item: 10,000 Slayer Experience.
Cost: 400 Points.
Information: Instantly grants 10,000 experience in slayer.

Item: Ring of Slaying.
Cost: 75 Points.
Information: A slayer ring with 8 teleports that also works as an enchanted slayer gem. The teleports are: Sumona’s home, Slayer Tower, Slayer Cave and Tarn’s lair. (It is recommended to learn how to make your own rings which is shown below.)

Item: 250 Casts of Magic Dart.
Cost: 35 Points.
Information: Provides 250 Death rune and 1000 mind runes. This has a current Grand Exchange value of around 125,000 coins. Therefore making it a very good way to earn money off slayer points.

Item: 250 Broad Tipped Bolts.
Cost: 35 points.
Information: Provides 250 Broad Tipped Bolts, requiring 61 range and 55 slayer to use.

Item: 250 Broad Arrows.
Cost: 35 points.
Information: Provides 250 Broad Tipped Bolts, requiring 50 range and 55 slayer to use.

Item: Ability to fletch your own Broad Arrows and Broad Bolts.
Cost: 300 Points.
Information: Allows you to fletch Broad Arrows with 52 fletching and Broad Bolts with 55 fletching.

Item: Ability to craft your own Rings of Slaying.
Cost: 300 Points.
Information: Allows you to craft your own rings of slaying with 70 crafting. This is crafted by use of an enchanted slayer gem and a gold bar.

Item: Ability to craft the Slayer Helmet.
Cost: 400 Points.
Information: This is one of the best rewards. Using 55 crafting you can combine a Black Mask, Earmuffs, Facemask, Spiky Helmet and Nosepeg together. This helm with have the effects of every item it is made from. You can also add a Hexcrest and Focus Sight to gain Magic and Ranged damage bonuses.

Item: Persuade Kuradel to assign Aquanites.
Cost: 50 Points.
Information: 78 Slayer is required to kill Aquanites, you can kill them without being assigned them.

Item: Deliver killing blows quicker.
Cost: 400 Points.
Information: Monsters that require an item to “finish” them such as Rock Slugs and Gargoyles now no longer require you to use the slayer item on them. The item must still be in your inventory however.

Item: A new technique to kill Ice Strykewyrm.
Cost: 2,000 Points.
Information: Ice Strykewyrms will only be assigned as a task If you own a fire cape. By purchasing this reward you can now kill them and be assigned them without having a fire cape.

Item: Skip Assignment.
Cost: 30 Points.
Information: Skip your current assignment and get a new one without any penalties. This does not reset your “tasks completed in a row”.

Item: Remove Assignment.
Cost: 100 Points.
Information: Skips the current assignment and permanently removes this task from being assigned again. Only 6 tasks can be permanently removed at one time. The number of tasks you can blacklist depends on your quest points. You can blacklist one tasks for every 50 quest points. Therefore 300 quest points are required to remove 6 tasks completely.

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To make slayer faster and more bearable here are some skills that will make a big difference in training:

[Image: eperf6.png]

Chaotic weapons are some of the best weapon in Runescape. The Rapier specifically is one of the best slayer weapons. It is fast, similar to a whip, can train attack, strength and defence individually and has a very good stab bonus which destroys metal dragons. Other Dungeoneering rewards such as bonecrusher and herbicide make slayer a much more efficient skill as you earn prayer and herblore experience while training. Finally the resource dungeons allow slayers to get to less crowded monsters, such as Metal Dragons, Blue Dragons and Fire Giants.

[Image: m7prp.png]

The lunar spell book is very useful when training slayer. One particular spell is “Contact NPC”. This allows you to get a new task from your slayer master without having to travel to them. The requirement is 67 Magic with 1 Cosmic Rune, 1 Astral Rune and 2 Air Runes.

[Image: 2j0flte.png]

Simply put; the higher your combat stats, the faster you kill and therefore the faster you train slayer. By making extreme potions, overloads or even just supers you can boost your slayer exp per hour significantly.

[Image: 2ueqiv5.png]

Agility will make slayer generally faster and easier when getting to your tasks. The main way it does this is by use of shortcuts. With 80 Agility you can get to Black Demons/ Black Dragons quickly in Taverly Dungeon, with 60 Agility you can get Aberrant Spectres quickly in Slayer Tower, and with 86 + 90 Agility you can get around Kuradel’s Dungeon quickly to name a few.

[Image: rroawp.png]

High level prayer can help you in two ways with slayer. The first being protection prayers. Tasks such as Dark Beasts are most commonly done with Protect from Melee prayer on, the higher your prayer points, the longer you can keep this pray up. The second way prayer help is by use of prayers such as piety, soul split and turmoil.

Piety will boost Attack by 20%, Strength by 23% and Defence by 25%. Soul Split will heal you by 20% of the damage you do while it is active and Turmoil offers a base 15% bonus to Attack and Defence, and a base 23% bonus to Strength; these boosts are always applied when Turmoil is active. However, once the user enters combat with an opponent, a 10% boost based on the user's levels and the opponent's levels becomes active.

[Image: 2iic3z6.png]

Summoning allows you to summon certain monsters that are very useful to take on tasks with you. A few notable familiars are:

Spirit Terrorbird: Requires level 52 summoning. Can carry 12 items.
War Tortoise: Requires level 67 summoning. Can Carry 18 items.
Bunyip: Requires 68 Summoning. Heals 20 life points every 15 seconds.
Unicorn Stallion: Requires 88 Summoning. Can cure poison and restore 15% og lifepoints using scroll.
Pak Yak: Requires 96 Summoning. Can carry 30 items.

[Image: sotxg9.png]

The following quests when completed will allow benefits to slayer and make the skill faster and more efficient to train.

Quest name: Dwarf Cannon.
Benefit to slayer: Allows use of the Dwarf Muti Cannon which makes some tasks such as Dagannoths significantly faster.

Quest name: Recipe for Disaster.
Benefit to slayer: Barrows gloves unlocked, these are some of the best melee gloves available for slayer.

Quest name: Lunar Diplomacy.
Benefit to slayer: Allows use of Contact NPC as well as other useful spells.

Quest name: Waterfall Quest.
Benefit to slayer: Better access to Fire Giants.

Quest name: Fairytale Part 2.
Benefit to slayer: Use of fairy rings for easy travel around Runescape.

Quest name: Nomads Requiem.
Benefit to slayer: Best prayer bonus cape for tasks where protection prayers are needed.

Quest name: Edgar’s Ruse
Benefit to slayer: Teleport to Trollheim for easy access to God Wars Dungeon.

Quest name: Temple at Sentistine.
Benefit to slayer: Unlock ancient curses prayer book for soul split and turmoil.

Quest name: Smoking Kills.
Benefit to slayer: Access to slayer reward points, a new slayer master, a new slayer dungeon and the best slayer helmet.

Quest name: Legacy of Seergaze.
Benefit to slayer: Unlocks a multicombat area with Bloodveld, good for using cannon.

[Image: zj9xkh.png]

I achieved 99 ranged and magic before I started slaying properly. Therefore this section will only include melee gear as that’s what I use for majority of my slayer tasks.

Helmet Slot:
Full Slayer Helm > Slayer Helm > Black Mask

Chest slot:
Bandos Chestplate > Fighter Torso > Verac Brassard

Leg slot:
Bandos Tassets > Verac skirt > Dragon Platelegs

Weapon slot:
Chaotic rapier > Vine Whip > Abyssal Whip > Dragon Scimitar

Shield slot:
Dragon Defender > Dragonfire Shield > Obsidian Shield

Boots slot:
Steadfast Boots > Dragon Boots > Rune Boots.

Gloves slot:
Barrows Gloves > Dragon Gloves > Rune Gloves > Combat Bracelet

Fury Amulet > Glory Amulet > Salve Amulet (if slayer helmet is not being used then salve amulet works well for undead tasks. The salve amulet bonus does NOT stack with the slayer helmet/black mask bonus)
Ring: Ferocious Ring (when in Kuradel’s dungeon) > Ring of Wealth > Berserker Ring > Ring of Life

Cape: Fire Cape > Trimmed Skillcape > Obsidian Cape

Aura: Not too sure here.

For tasks where you are praying: Penance Aura > Greater Reverence Aura > Reverence Aura
For other tasks: Vampirism Aura > Inspiration Aura > Knock Out Aura

[Image: 2n87hir.png]

Thank you very much for checking out my guide. If you want anything added, see any mistakes or have any feedback please feel free to post it below. As always my private chat is on in game so pm me if you want to say something.

Happy slaying ^^
Excellent guide, thanks very much for posting smile Lots of very useful information here.
[Image: evaluate-staff.png] 
Have a question? My PM is always ON.
very nice guide, thank you for sharing it with us Biggrin
You're name isn't Swords Dance anymore Sam haha.

Anyways, freaking pro guide. I'm sure many people will find it plenty helpful. smile
Nice guide! Thanks for sharing :>
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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
Nice guide; however (no bad points, just a point out and possibly a request)

A) Just do a Ctrl + F because there's a few "[big]" tags lying around smile
B) To improve it; maybe add what the monsters are weak against?

That aside, I liked the guide and thought it was well presented. Good job. +rep.
[Image: whid1.gif]
(2012-08-09 06:33:01)Reaping Wrote:  You're name isn't Swords Dance anymore Sam haha.

Anyways, freaking pro guide. I'm sure many people will find it plenty helpful. smile

Haha oh yes. Well just pretend it says Sacred Slay instead. Lol Also tyvm. <3

(2012-08-09 09:28:36)Clifford Wrote:  Nice guide; however (no bad points, just a point out and possibly a request)

A) Just do a Ctrl + F because there's a few "[big]" tags lying around smile
B) To improve it; maybe add what the monsters are weak against?

That aside, I liked the guide and thought it was well presented. Good job. +rep.

Ah yeah I thought I rmeoved them all, will fix that Tongue. Good idea, will add that later on today. Thankyou.
Wow! a well detailed guide, I gave you a rep for all your work.

This has the potential to be the best guide I've ever seen.
Very detailed, very good =) Like you I adore slayer, just have put it off until I get a few more 99's lol
Me behave? Seriously? As a child I saw Tarzan almost naked, Cinderella arrived home from a party after midnight, Pinocchio told lies, Aladin was a thief, Batman drove over 200 miles an hour, Snow White lived in a house with seven men, Popeye smoked a pipe and had tattoos, Pac man ran around to digital music while eating pills that enhanced his performance, and Shaggy and Scooby were mystery solving hippies who always had the munchies. The fault is not mine!
(2012-08-09 21:37:45)Joseph Wrote:  Wow! a well detailed guide, I gave you a rep for all your work.

This has the potential to be the best guide I've ever seen.

Tyvm! Im glad people like it.

(2012-08-09 21:43:25)Narccius Wrote:  Very detailed, very good =) Like you I adore slayer, just have put it off until I get a few more 99's lol

Thanks, yes slayer is great smile But my total level is paying the price.

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